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When formatting this code block (from the Kotest documentation), Jetbrains Intellij or Android Studio adds a lot of unnecessary white space.

Original code:

class MyTests : FreeSpec({
     "String.length" - {
         "should return the length of the string" {
             "sammy".length shouldBe 5
             "".length shouldBe 0

After formating with ctrl+alt+L, this becomes

class MyTests : FreeSpec({
                             "String.length" - {
                                 "should return the length of the string" {
                                     "sammy".length shouldBe 5
                                     "".length shouldBe 0

Is there a formatting setting to adjust this behavior?

I strongly suspect that there is a working combination of settings in Editor -> Code Style -> Kotlin, but after trying out various combinations I could not figure it out.



  1. I tried to format your snippet in Android Studio Giraffe 2022.3.1 Canary 6 and it remains intact:
    enter image description here

    I suggest you to try a fresh installation of Android Studio/IntelliJ together with a fresh app using Kotest and see if the issue resurfaces.

    If it doesn’t then you can compare the following files of the two projects to figure out the difference:

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  2. You may duplicate a formating scheme to alter safely or just do the following things.

    Editor > Code Style > Kotlin > Wrapping and Braces > Function call arguments

    Uncheck Align when multiline

    I also use Kotest FreeSpec. This was the tweak I made to have nice formatting.

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