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I get an image from an user which is converted into a bitmap. I then convert the bitmap to a an byte array and send it over JSON to be stored in a database. Then when the user starts the particular activity I want the image to be retrieved form the database and displayed to the user.

In the application a user is able to make a post with a title, description and an image. I want these three variables stored in the database so that when someone else views the post, they are able to see all the content. Also the image would be stored in the database as a blob, i simply use JSON to send the data to an backend application which handles all the communication with the DB.

My problem is that the bitmap that I get seems to be a reference to some memory on the device which changes every time I run the application although I select the same image. I want to be able to retrieve the actual bitmap so it can be stored in a DB. I’m also not using as web server for storing the images since its a smaller project.

b.buttonNewItemUpImg.setOnClickListener {
            val openGalleryIntent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI)
            startActivityForResult(openGalleryIntent, ResultLoadImage)
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)

        if (requestCode == ResultLoadImage){
            if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK){
                var temp = MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(this.contentResolver, data!!.getData())
                bitmap = getResizedBitmap(temp!!, maxImageSize)

The getResizedBitmap() function simply makes the image smaller.



  1. As described in

    Use this

          var temp = ImageDecoder.createSource(this.getContentResolver(), data!!.getData())
          bitmap = ImageDecoder.decodeBitmap(temp);

    beware this code was java I tried to adapt it to kotlin you may need to tweak it a bit

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  2. Instead of storing the whole image in the database, you should copy images to the app’s local storage and then store, path of these copied images to the database, which you can use later to retrieve the images.

    Copying image to the app’s local storage after getting the selected image uri

    //creating an image file in the app's local storage
    val dir = requireActivity().getDir(FOLDER_TO_SAVE, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).path
    val copiedImageFile = File(dir, UUID.randomUUID().toString() + ".jpg")
    val copiedImageUri = Uri.fromFile(copiedImageFile)
    //copying selected image to the local storage
    data!!.getData().path?.let {

    Get path of the above copied image, using its uri

         val copiedImagePath = "file://$it"
         //now save this path to your database

    Use this saved image path to retrieve the image in any fragment or activity.

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