I am currently doing a basic Whack a Mole game on Android Studios for a school project. I got everything pretty much working, including the moles moving up, and down when clicked.
The problem is whenever a game is ended and I choose to "play again" the game activity starts again with the timer and everything, but the mole animation no longer works.
Whenever the game ends I change activity to a game_over activity where the user can choose to play again or return to the main menu.
This is all I am doing to change activity:
public void change_to_game_over_activity()
Intent intent = new Intent(Game_Activity.this, Game_Over_Activity.class);
I am guessing I am not properly ending the animation when changing activities because I thought when the user presses play again, the activity was going to start everything from zero.
What functions can I use to properly transition to the game_over activity and back again to the game activity if the user chooses to?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Fixed by calling finish(), and clearing all the arrays containing the mole images when on the onStop() callback.
did you add this autoplay=ture in xml?