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Let’s say I have 3 activities: A, B, and C. The order goes like A to B to C. I want to add enter and exit animations to B. When I open B from A, B should have slide up animation. When I go from B to C, B should have slide down animation. Here is my code:

In the Activity A:

startActivity(new Intent(this, B.class));
overridePendingTransition(R.anim.slide_up,  R.anim.no_animation); // working, I can see B is opening with slide up animation

In the Activity B:

startActivity(new Intent(this, C.class));
overridePendingTransition(R.anim.no_animation,  R.anim.slide_down); // not working, slide down is not applied to B

I also tried settings window enter and exit animations in the theme XML file of B. But it is not working.

Any solution?



  1. You should pass 0 for no_animation

    As Document said,


    • enterAnim – A resource ID of the animation resource to use for the incoming activity. Use 0 for no animation.
    • exitAnim – A resource ID of the animation resource to use for the outgoing activity. Use 0 for no animation.

    Try with pass 0 in parameter instead of R.anim.no_animation. It might show Slide-Down animatation for Activity B.

    startActivity(new Intent(this, C.class));
    overridePendingTransition(0, R.anim.slide_down);
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  2. We can use activities navigation using navigation component. In navigation component, we can define enter and exit animation. Please check the possibilites.

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