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I would like to use the TabRow, but when I click the background has a ripple effect that I do not want. Is there a way to change this? I have the Tab’s selectedContectColor equal to the same background color of the page, but I still see a white ripple effect.

   modifier = Modifier.height(20.dp),
   selectedTabIndex = selectedIndex,
   indicator = { tabPositions ->
       modifier = Modifier.customTabIndicatorOffset(
         currentTabPosition = tabPositions[lazyListState.firstVisibleItemIndex]
         color = RED
   backgroundColor = BLACK
) {
    tabList.forEachIndexed{ index, tab ->
     val selected = (selectedIndex == index)
      modifier = Modifier
// Have tried different solutions here where there is a .clickable
// and the indication = null, and set interactionSource = remember{  
      selected = selected,
      selectedContentColor = BLACK,
      onClick = { 
      text = {
        Text("Text Code")



You can see in these docs that the selectedContentColor affects the ripple

Tab Docs

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  1. The shimmer effect is handled by the indication property.
    Put it inside the clickable section.

    You can create an extension function

    inline fun Modifier.noRippleClickable(crossinline onClick: ()->Unit): Modifier = composed {
        clickable(indication = null,
            interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }) {

    then simply replace Modifier.clickable {} with Modifier.noRippleClickable {}

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  2. The ripple is implemented in a selectable modifier defined inside the Tab.

    You can’t disable it but you can change the appearance of the ripple that is based on a RippleTheme. You can define a custom RippleTheme and apply to your composable with the LocalRippleTheme.

    CompositionLocalProvider(LocalRippleTheme provides NoRippleTheme) {
    private object NoRippleTheme : RippleTheme {
        override fun defaultColor() = Color.Unspecified
        override fun rippleAlpha(): RippleAlpha = RippleAlpha(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f)
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