I have 50 items in my recycler view. I want to focus or show specific item like when I click on button 1 it will focus items 10, and when I click on button 2 it will show/focus on items 30 and so on.
Question posted in Android Studio
The official documentation can be found here.
The official documentation can be found here.
If you are looking for how to scroll to that 10th and 30th item then below solution is for you.
is, in which position you want to scroll.For highlight that item you can change text format like bold or color of that item of recycler view.
You can use the RecyclerView directly for that.
Scroll to item:
If you want to highlight a certain items, then pass another arraylist containing ids to be highlighted to your adapter. And create a function usually through an interface that updates that list and reloads all the items in a different manner. and for scroll use