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I have a Dialog Box in my MainActivity that is activated by touching a cog button in my Layout. When it appears, it contains a drop down Spinner. The Spinner works and produces a scrollable list of items, so that is good at least.

Albeit, I am stuck on correctly applying an OnSpinnerItemSelectedListener that works, which I want to customise in order to provide responses for each item selected.

Is anybody able to help me by providing advice on how best to apply a Listener and get it to work please? Your help would be massively appreciated!

With the code below, I have only included the portion of my MainActivity that references the Dialog Box and Spinner inside of that box. If you require further code, then please let me know – I’m more than happy to provide more info! PowerSpinnerView references the type of Spinner I’m using (from a third party dependency implemented in my Gradle file).

options = findViewById(;

options.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

    private PowerSpinnerView spItems;

    ArrayAdapter arrayAdapter;

    public void onClick(View view) {

        final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(MainActivity.this);



        WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = new WindowManager.LayoutParams();

        lp.width = WindowManager.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;
        lp.height = WindowManager.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;

        View back = dialog.findViewById(;

        PowerSpinnerView powerSpinnerView = (PowerSpinnerView) 

        ArrayAdapter<String> adapter =
                new ArrayAdapter<String>(MainActivity.this,

                new View.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(View v) {

        Bitmap map = takeScreenShot(MainActivity.this);

        Bitmap fast = fastblur(map, 50);

        final Drawable draw=new BitmapDrawable(getResources(),fast);






  1. You use PowerSpinnerView from a 3rd party, so I looked at its documentation for the click listener:

    powerSpinnerView.setOnSpinnerItemSelectedListener(new OnSpinnerItemSelectedListener<String>() {
     @Override public void onItemSelected(int oldIndex, @Nullable String oldItem, int newIndex, String newItem) {
       // do whatever you need here 

    the item you select is newItem and its index is new index

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  2. For saving the spinner selection, all that you need is adding an attribute at the XML file:


    all the saving work is done by the 3rd party library

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