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I am printing pdf using the below code which works fine for normal pdfs but crashes with password-protected pdf. is there any way by which we can print password-protected pdf or stop applications from crashing. application crashes even print() called inside a try-catch block.

Exception :

  at android.print.PrintManager$PrintDocumentAdapterDelegate$MyHandler.handleMessage (
  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage (
  at android.os.Looper.loop (
  at (
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Native Method)
  at$ (
  at (

code that causing Exception:

val printManager = this.getSystemService(Context.PRINT_SERVICE) as PrintManager
        val jobName = this.getString(R.string.app_name) + " Document"
            printManager.print(jobName, pda, null)
            Toast.makeText(this,"Can't print pdf file",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()


  var pda: PrintDocumentAdapter = object : PrintDocumentAdapter() {
            override fun onWrite(
                    pages: Array<PageRange>,
                    destination: ParcelFileDescriptor,
                    cancellationSignal: CancellationSignal,
                    callback: WriteResultCallback
            ) {
                var input: InputStream? = null
                var output: OutputStream? = null
                try {
                    input = uri?.let { contentResolver.openInputStream(it) }
                    output = FileOutputStream(destination.fileDescriptor)
                    val buf = ByteArray(1024)
                    var bytesRead: Int
                    if (input != null) {
                        while ( { bytesRead = it } > 0) {
                            output.write(buf, 0, bytesRead)
                } catch (ee: FileNotFoundException) {
                    //Code to Catch FileNotFoundException
                } catch (e: Exception) {
                   //Code to Catch exception
                } finally {
                    try {
                    } catch (e: IOException) {
            override fun onLayout(
                    oldAttributes: PrintAttributes,
                    newAttributes: PrintAttributes,
                    cancellationSignal: CancellationSignal,
                    callback: LayoutResultCallback,
                    extras: Bundle
            ) {
                if (cancellationSignal.isCanceled) {
                val pdi = PrintDocumentInfo.Builder("Name of file")
                callback.onLayoutFinished(pdi, true)

OR if not possible then how to get password removed from pdf.



  1. pdfView.fromAsset(String)
        .pages(0, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3) // all pages are displayed by default
        .enableSwipe(true) // allows to block changing pages using swipe
        // allows to draw something on the current page, usually visible in the middle of the screen
        // allows to draw something on all pages, separately for every page. Called only for visible pages
        .onLoad(onLoadCompleteListener) // called after document is loaded and starts to be rendered
        .onRender(onRenderListener) // called after document is rendered for the first time
        // called on single tap, return true if handled, false to toggle scroll handle visibility
        .enableAnnotationRendering(false) // render annotations (such as comments, colors or forms)
        .enableAntialiasing(true) // improve rendering a little bit on low-res screens
        // spacing between pages in dp. To define spacing color, set view background
        .autoSpacing(false) // add dynamic spacing to fit each page on its own on the screen
        .pageFitPolicy(FitPolicy.WIDTH) // mode to fit pages in the view
        .fitEachPage(false) // fit each page to the view, else smaller pages are scaled relative to largest page.
        .pageSnap(false) // snap pages to screen boundaries
        .pageFling(false) // make a fling change only a single page like ViewPager
        .nightMode(false) // toggle night mode

    Have you tried updating the ".password" line?

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  2. You need not to generate pdf without password to print. as you said you are using barteksc:android-pdf-viewer for viewing pdfs which uses PDfium for rendering pdf which has a method to render bitmap from method.

    void getBitmaps() {
        ImageView iv = (ImageView) findViewById(;
        ParcelFileDescriptor fd = ...;
        int pageNum = 0;
        PdfiumCore pdfiumCore = new PdfiumCore(context);
        try {
            PdfDocument pdfDocument = pdfiumCore.newDocument(fd);
            pdfiumCore.openPage(pdfDocument, pageNum);
            int width = pdfiumCore.getPageWidthPoint(pdfDocument, pageNum);
            int height = pdfiumCore.getPageHeightPoint(pdfDocument, pageNum);
            // ARGB_8888 - best quality, high memory usage, higher possibility of OutOfMemoryError
            // RGB_565 - little worse quality, twice less memory usage
            Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height,
            pdfiumCore.renderPageBitmap(pdfDocument, bitmap, pageNum, 0, 0,
                    width, height);
            //if you need to render annotations and form fields, you can use
            //the same method above adding 'true' as last param
            printInfo(pdfiumCore, pdfDocument);
            pdfiumCore.closeDocument(pdfDocument); // important!
        } catch(IOException ex) {

    store these bitmaps in arraylist and print them using android print framework

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