Okay, I know my title can be confusing so I’ll explain a bit. I have access to an API and I would like that: every hour, my application, in the background, makes a request to this API and sends a notification if the API response contains a more or less recent date. To check if the answer is recent, I am already able to do it but what I would like to know is how to make this request in the background every hour and then how to send the data of this request in a notification (I already know how to create a notification, that’s not the problem). I’m stuck for some time, I imagine that the answer will be something related to a server, a domain that I know absolutely nothing about
Question posted in Android Studio
The official documentation can be found here.
The official documentation can be found here.
If the API already exists, you don’t need a server. You just need to schedule a job to be done on the device every hour. You can use WorkScheduler for that. If the API needs to be written, then yes you need a server and need to learn how to write a web service. But that’s well beyond the size of a stack overflow question, you can google for a variety of tutorials on that.
You can try AlarmManager and BroadcastReceiver with the repeating time 1 hour
Then write your YourReceiver and override onReceive function
Or you can try periodic work request: