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OK, so I have a module called "Gridbox" which is a layout widget I wrote a very long time ago.

Within Gridbox is the file res/values/gridboxAttrs.xml which contains (abridged):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <declare-styleable name="Gridbox_Layout">
    <attr name="layout_weightx" format="float" />
    <attr name="layout_weighty" format="float" />

In my application module I have res/values/styles.xml which references resources defined above:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <!-- Style for a normal button -->
  <style name="baseButton">
    <item name="android:gravity">center</item>
    <item name="layout_weightx">1</item>
    <item name="layout_weighty">1</item>
    <item name="android:layout_margin">1dip</item>

This built just fine under Eclipse, but Android Studio gives me

ERROR: /Users/falk/MyProject/MyApp/build/intermediates/packaged_res/debug/packageDebugResources/values/values.xml:372:5-384:11: AAPT: error: style attribute 'attr/layout_weightx (aka org.efalk.myapp.test:attr/layout_weightx)' not found.

I’m guessing I need to do something to get Android Studio to know that the module "MyApp" depends on module "Gridbox". My MyApp/build.gradle file does end with

dependencies {
    implementation project(':Gridbox')

For completeness, here is settings.gradle:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        google {
            content {
dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
} = "MyProject"
include ':Gridbox'
include ':MyApp'

I have no idea what else I should be doing.



  1. Not sure about your SDK version, but probably adding a file in MyApp help? i.e. to specify the dependency on Gridbox:

    something like this:

    module MyApp {
       requires Gridbox;
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  2. You are probably using AGP 7+ which requires "namespace" defined in build.gradle of Gridbox. In older versions of AGP namespace would be taken from the package defined in AndroidManifest.xml of the sdk.

    Solution 1

    android {
        namespace 'org.efalk.gridbox' // new line
        compileSdk 31

    Add above line in build.gradle


    Lower AGP version in main project.

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  3. The error message you’re encountering in Android Studio indicates that it can’t find the layout_weightx attribute defined in your Gridbox module. There are a couple of things to check:

    1. Namespace Mismatch:

    The error message shows aka org.efalk.myapp.test:attr/layout_weightx. This suggests a namespace issue. Double-check the following:

    • In gridboxAttrs.xml, ensure the declare-styleable element has the attribute xmlns:android="" declared at the top level. This ensures the attributes are defined within the standard Android namespace.
    • In styles.xml, remove the prefix org.efalk.myapp.test: from layout_weightx. You shouldn’t need to specify the application or test package when referencing attributes defined within your own modules.
    1. Gradle Sync:

    While your build.gradle seems correct, ensure Gradle has properly synced the dependencies. Sometimes, a clean build can help resolve issues:

    • In Android Studio, go to Build -> Clean Project.
    • Then, rebuild your project.
    1. Circular Dependencies:

    Make sure there aren’t any circular dependencies between Gridbox and MyApp. If both modules depend on each other in a circular fashion, it can cause build issues. Review your dependencies in both build.gradle files.

    Additional Tips:

    • Check if you have any typos in the attribute name (layout_weightx) between gridboxAttrs.xml and styles.xml.
    • Try invalidating caches and restarting Android Studio.

    If the issue persists after trying these suggestions, consider providing the complete gridboxAttrs.xml and styles.xml files for further analysis.

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