I need realm-gradle-plugin-6.0.1.jar file for compile my old project no need to update to current version. because update to latest then so many errors.
Question posted in Android Studio
The official documentation can be found here.
The official documentation can be found here.
JCenter has been decommissioned. Recent versions of realm-gradle-plugin are available from Maven Central. However, if you really need a version of realm-gradle-plugin older than 10.4.0, you have a problem since they is not available from Maven Central.
Here’s the advice from JFrog – the folks who ran JCenter:
My advice would be to try updating the realm-gradle-plugin dependency in your project’s Gradle file to the latest version; i.e. option 2.
I don’t think option 1 will have any effect. (I assume that people will have already asked the io.realm maintainers to upload older versions.) Option 3 is not feasible. Option 4 is clunky, but I guess you could do that if you can’t get option 2 to work.
The JAR you need is available here at Maven Central. Looks like the file isn’t available if you click on the link.
If you aren’t using Maven, you should be.
You should upgrade. That JAR is five years old. There’s a new version 10.19.0 available. No reason to stay behind. Fix the errors and retire some technical debt.
I see two vulnerabilities associated with the newest JAR. I’ll bet those problems and more exist in the old version. Failing to upgrade can be a security disaster. Don’t put it off.