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First Create xml file

By default : – activity_main

Small Phones : – activity_main(sw360)

Large Phones : – activity_main(sw480)

Extra large Phones/Tablets : – activity_main(sw600)

I want follow this condition but some error?????

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Configuration config = getResources().getConfiguration();
    if (config.smallestScreenWidthDp >= 320 && config.smallestScreenWidthDp <= 480) {
    } else if (config.smallestScreenWidthDp >= 481 && config.smallestScreenWidthDp <= 600) {
    } else(config.smallestScreenWidthDp >= 601{

See this image to clear



  1. You don’t have to program it, when you use the correct folder and naming structure the system will determine the correct layout or use the default (which is in the layout folder).

    See this link which tells more about the folder structure.

    res/layout/main_activity.xml                # For handsets
    res/layout-land/main_activity.xml           # For handsets in landscape
    res/layout-sw600dp/main_activity.xml        # For 7” tablets
    res/layout-sw600dp-land/main_activity.xml   # For 7” tablets in landscape

    So in your case it would be:

    res/layout/activity_main.xml                # default (smaller than 360dp available width)
    res/layout-sw360dp/activity_main.xml        # Small phones (360dp wide and bigger)
    res/layout-sw480dp/activity_main.xml        # Large phones (480dp wide and bigger)
    res/layout-sw600dp/activity_main.xml        # XLarge phones (600dp wide and bigger)

    Your Activity can then use this OnCreate method:

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
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  2. use wrap content and match-parent instead of giving hard dimension to views.

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