I’m building a mobile app with Jetpack Compose and would like to implement bottom navigation with multiple tabs. I have a DashboardCustomerScreen that includes a bottom navigation bar with icons and titles for "Home," "Reservation," and "Profile." I’m using a combination of Scaffold and custom components, and I have a working navigation setup using the Navigation component.
Here’s a snippet of the code for the DashboardCustomerScreen:
fun DashboardCustomerScreen(profileCustomerViewModel: ProfileCustomerViewModel, dashboardViewModel: DashboardViewModel, navController: NavController) {
// ... (other code)
topBar = {
// ... (top app bar)
bottomBar = {
// ... (bottom navigation bar)
content = {
// ... (content area)
I’m looking for guidance on refining the bottom navigation bar, handling item selection, and navigating to different destinations when a tab is selected. Are there any best practices or improvements I can make in terms of Jetpack Compose conventions?
Handle Item Selection:
Utilize the NavHost for handling navigation between different destinations. It looks like you already have a NavHost set up in the SetupNavGraph function. Ensure that each screen is properly annotated with @Composable and connected to the NavHost.
this is example of how i define bottom navigation
hi here just follow steps here
and also check sample code project provided in Github it useful for you,