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Have problem with launching emulator of Android via Android Studio.

When I tried to do it – I got next warning message:

The emulator process for avd has terminated.

I checked log and main expression was:

Broken AVD system path.
Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value [C:UsersUser.androidavdPixel_XL_API_30.avdPixel_XL_API_30.avd]!

(I tried to change path many times, so don’t pay attention to it)

When I tried to launch emulator from folder – I got crash report "qt5core android emu dll doesn’t exist" and more other related dll. (HAEX installed, Android Studio latest version, Default Androids SDK is in disk D). All folders (platform-tools and other) are not corrupted .

Terminated process

Disk D




  1. I tried each and every step mentioned in stackoverflow but for me reinstalling the graphic card driver solve the issue. AVD is now working.
    Please try reinstalling a graphic driver.

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  2. You may turn off vulkan by adding this file to your User(your user).android

    (if not exist), till google solve the bug about Vulkan.

    the file: advancedFeatures.ini


        BluetoothEmulation = on
        GrallocSync = on
        GLDMA = on
        LogcatPipe = on
        GLAsyncSwap = on
        GLESDynamicVersion = on
        EncryptUserData = on
        VirtioWifi = on
        HostComposition = on
        RefCountPipe = on
        VirtioInput = on
        HardwareDecoder = on
        DynamicPartition = on
        ModemSimulator= on
        MultiDisplay = on
        YUVCache = on
        GLDirectMem = on
        Vulkan = off
        VulkanNullOptionalStrings = on
        VulkanIgnoredHandles = on
        Mac80211hwsimUserspaceManaged = on
        VirtconsoleLogcat = on
        VirtioVsockPipe = on
        AndroidbootProps2 = on
        DeviceSkinOverlay = on
        VulkanQueueSubmitWithCommands = on
        VulkanBatchedDescriptorSetUpdate = on
        DeviceStateOnBoot = on
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  3. Simple solution for beginners: Have suffient space on your HD… !
    You need more than the default 2GB.
    I had so far not reached my first code line in Android due to the problem "The emulator process for AVD Pixel_2_API_29 has terminated problem.
    Assement of relevant info:
    Win10 on HP Compact 8200 (from the Win7 period.)
    With 10G of 100G remaining on actual SSD.

    Based on similar advice under Mac/OS I) deleted …API29 and tried Galaxy NexusAPI22 and got my first emulated phone on the screen and with 2.7GB remaining.

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