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I want to debug my Flutter app via wireless debugging on Android Studio Bumblebee. When I go to the "Pair devices over WiFi" section. It shows me this –

My platform tools are up to date (32.0.0). And yet it’s showing this.
SDK Platform Tools ScreenShot

I’m more confused to why it’s not working because, it did work a few hours earlier, but does not anymore. Any help is appreciated.

EDIT : It started working again. I don’t know how, I have not changed a thing, yet it is.



  1. Try the manual way and see whether it’ll work.

    1. Plug in your phone to the computer and wait for it to register as a connected device

    2. Open your terminal in cmd and use the following commands

      adb tcpip 5555
      adb connect (your device IP like)
      Your ip is found in setting>about phone>status
      If your environment is set up correctly, you can now unplug and resume wireless debugging

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  2. Just update your Bumblebee on the last patch

    It helped me with the same issue

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  3. Sometimes this is the most finicky thing. I’ve had GUI connections break mid-session for no apparent reason.

    I wrote a .bat that I hope other people find useful.

    1. It asks for ip.
      • It may ask for ip details.
    2. It then asks for the CONNECTION PORT (used in the final command, but not visible when the prompt is up.
    3. It then asks for the PAIRING CODE.
    4. It then asks for the PAIRING PORT.

    Here’s the code

    @echo off
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set useIP=
    rem Step 1: Choose IP
    echo Menu:
    echo    0: Custom IP
      if not exist batconfig.txt (
        echo    1: NO PREVIOUS IP CONFIGURED
      ) else (
        set /p lastIP=<batconfig.txt
        echo    1. Last IP: !lastIP!
    echo    2: 10.0.0.---
    echo    3: 192.168.1.---
    set /p ipOption=Select Option: 
    if %ipOption%==0 (
      set /p customIP=Enter custom IP: 
      set useIP=!customIP!
    ) else if %ipOption%==1 (
      if not exist batconfig.txt (
        echo batconfig.txt not found.
        goto start
      ) else (
        set /p useIP=<batconfig.txt
        echo Loaded IP: !useIP!
    ) else if %ipOption%==2 (
      set /p ipPrompt=Enter last segment of IP 10.0.0.---: 
      set useIP=10.0.0.!ipPrompt!
      echo %useIP%
    ) else if %ipOption%==3 (
      set /p ipPrompt=Enter last segment of IP 192.168.1.---: 
      set useIP=192.168.1.!ipPrompt!
    ) else (
      echo Invalid selection. Restarting...
      goto start
    rem Step 2: Connection Port
    set /p connectPort=Enter CONNECTION PORT (main screen) for %useIP%: 
    rem Step 3: Pairing Code and Port
    set /p pairingCode=Enter PAIRING CODE (popup) for %useIP%: 
    set /p pairingPort=Enter PAIRING PORT (popup) for %useIP%: 
    echo Attempting to connect to %useIP%:!pairingPort!
    rem Step 4: Run adb pair command
    set error=
    echo Executing command... adb pair %useIP%:!pairingPort! !pairingCode!
    adb pair %useIP%:!pairingPort! !pairingCode! >error.txt
    set error=!errorlevel!
    if !error! equ 0 (
      echo Successfully paired with %useIP%:%pairingPort%
      echo %useIP%>batconfig.txt
      echo Executing command... adb connect %useIP%:%connectPort%
      adb connect %useIP%:%connectPort%
    ) else (
      rem Step 4: Output error message
      set /p error=<error.txt
      echo !error!

    enter image description here

    Sometimes ADB is extra-fussy and I have to disconnect my phone from WIFI, reconnect it, and re-enable wireless debugging.

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