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[!] Using compileSdk 35 requires Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) 8.1.0 or higher. │ │ Please upgrade to a newer AGP version. The version of AGP that your project uses is likely defined in: │ │ /Users/tusharkhatri/Downloads/bmuptodown/android/settings.gradle, │ │ in the 'plugins' closure. │ │ Alternatively, if your project was created with an older version of the templates, it is likely │ │ in the buildscript.dependencies closure of the top-level build.gradle: │ │ /Users/tusharkhatri/Downloads/bmuptodown/android/build.gradle. │ │ │ │ Finally, if you have a strong reason to avoid upgrading AGP, you can temporarily lower the compileSdk version in the following file: │ │ /Users/tusharkhatri/Downloads/bmuptodown/android/app/build.gradle

expected building apk release file



  1. I just ran into the same problem when I mistakenly switched to Flutter’s master-branch instead of the stable-branch. I fixed it by going back to the stable-branch by running this from the command line: flutter channel stable.

    It might not fix the underlying issue, but Flutter recommends using the stable-branch for production apps, so it might work for you as well unless you really have to run the master-branch.

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  2. I just ran into the same problem when I upgrade flutter SDK and solve by changing gradle.setting inside /android/ and add those version changes:

    plugins {
        id "" version "8.1.0" apply false
        id "" version "1.8.22" apply false

    And It requires gradle version > 8.0 so change the gradle version inside /android/gradle/wrapper/ :
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