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I`m trying to import OpenCV to android studio project, but have inactive "next" and "finish" button. So i cant finish OpenCV importing.
Using Android Studio Arctic Fox 2020.3.1 and tried different version of OpenCV(4.5.3, 3.4.1, 3.4.15 etc.)
There are screenshots of issue Next and Finish disabled
Next and Finish disabled

Edit: Tried Android studio 4.2.2 – and it fix my problem. But i still dont know how to use it in Arctic Fox



  1. This Bug is in Android studio Arctic Fox

    This issue is not about only OpenCV module, This is happening with all library modules.

    Many people are posted this issue on issuetracker but nobody get solution from Android studio team side.
    here is some links of that issues posted on issuetracker.
    Link 1 ,
    Link 2 ,
    Link 3 ,
    Link 4 ,
    Link 5 ,
    Link 6 ,
    Link 7

    So here is Temporary Workaround

    1. copy sdk folder in your project directory

    2. Add below line in settings.gradle

      include ':sdk'

    3. click sync now

    4. Done

    If you get below error (I got this error while solving this issue)

    Plugin with id ‘kotlin-android’ not found.

    add below dependency in root level build.gradle and click sync now

    dependencies {
            classpath ""
            classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.5.21" // add this line
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  2. I had same issue and fixed with these steps

    1. Copy the sdk folder from open cv and paste it in the project
    2. Add this line include ‘:sdk’ in settings.gradle
    3. Then add this line implementation project(path: ‘:sdk’) inside the build.gradle (module )
    Login or Signup to reply.
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