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im a newbie currently working on a health app school project.

i have found a problem when i was trying to change a TextView background with a drawable refrence. it like the color of the text view doesnt follow my line of program, but in some condition it runs perfectly.

the apparance of the app
background textview didnt change

the code
the background code

private fun updateIndikatorAu(){
        val colorHigh = "#e85218"
        val colorNormal = "#6b91ca"
        val colorLow = "#eeaf17"
        val colorNull = "#7F808B"

        indiAu = findViewById(
        kadarAu = findViewById(
        satuanAu = findViewById(
        judulAu = findViewById(
        val nilaiNullAU = 0
        val nilaiProfAU = kadarAu.text.toString()
        val nilai1AU = 7.0

        //converter Double
        val auNol = nilaiNullAU.toDouble()
        val auNormal1 = nilai1AU.toDouble()
        val auProf = nilaiProfAU.toDouble()

        //Nilai Tinggi
        if (auProf > auNormal1){

        //Nilai Normal
        else if (auProf > auNol  && auProf < auNormal1){

        //Nilai 0
        else if (auProf == auNol){

i have use the same method to change the background color before setBackgroundColor( like the text color change code.
it works fine but i need to maintain the rounded corner. so i use R.drawable.highbuttoncolor instead but the button color doesnt change perfectly.

please help me fix this problem, or explain me the condition why this problem can happen. i’ll really grateful.



  1. setBackgroundColor does change the color of the View but also overrides the shape of the View to the default one. You should not be using setBackgroundColor if You also want to have a specific shape of the View.

    You should use only setBackgroundResource with a drawable resource that defines both the shape and the color "in one go", something like this:

    // rounded corner shaped drawable with the background color of null_color:
    // drawable/rounded_shape.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <shape xmlns:android=""
        <solid android:color="@color/null_color" />
        <corners android:radius="8dp" />

    and then:


    Also remember that colors should be defined in the colors.xml file.

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  2. Hey if you are using a drawable for setting the background you should use :


    But for just the color it would be:

    setBackgroundColor(setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this.context, R.color..)

    From codewise i guess the first condition is working because you are using the correct one:

      indiAu.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.highbuttoncolor) // Correct
      satuanAu.setBackgroundColor(R.drawable.highbuttoncolor) // You dont need this

    but second and third condition you always only use:

     indiAu.setBackgroundColor(R.drawable.normalbuttoncolor) // Wrong
     satuanAu.setBackgroundColor(R.drawable.normalbuttoncolor) // You dont need this

    So use there also setBackgroundResource()

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