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How do I get just status of the apachectl status command?

For example, in the output below, I just want to take the word “running”

Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-12-05 08:23:56 -03; 22min ago

I managed to get uptime with the command:

apachectl status | sed -n '/ ago $ / p' | sed 's /.  {62 } //'

However, I couldn’t adapt this command to just get the status.



  1. You should actually do this in this fashion. is-active is the accurate command to get the status of systemctl services.

    [[ $(sudo systemctl is-active test.service) == "active" ]] && echo "Running." || echo "NOT runnnig."

    OR more clearly:

    [[ $(sudo systemctl is-active test.service) == "active" ]]
    && echo "Running." || echo "NOT runnnig."

    OR as per Ed sir’s comment more safer option will be using usual if and else option as follows.

    if [[ $(sudo systemctl is-active test.service) == "active" ]]
        echo "Running."
        echo "NOT runnnig."

    From man page of systemctl:

    is-active PATTERN… Check whether any of the specified units are
    active (i.e. running). Returns an exit code 0 if at least one is
    active, or non-zero otherwise. Unless –quiet is specified, this will
    also print the current unit state to standard output.

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  2. Using echo '...' instead of apachectl status which I don’t have:

    $ echo 'Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-12-05 08:23:56 -03; 22min ago' |
        awk -F'[()]' '{print $2}'

    That sed commands pipeline in your question has syntax errors and when I try to fix them I just get the output min ago:

    $ echo 'Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-12-05 08:23:56 -03; 22min ago' |
        sed -n '/ago$/p' | sed 's/.{62}//'
    min ago

    so idk if this is the output you want from that or not but consider:

    $ echo 'Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-12-05 08:23:56 -03; 22min ago' |
        awk -F'; ' '{print $NF}'
    22min ago

    I also have chicken.

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  3. If apachectl status produces Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-12-05 08:23:56 -03; 22min ago your problem – getting the string between the first parentheses – can be solved as

    apachectl status | sed -n 's/[^(]*(([^()]*)).*/1/p'`


    echo "Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-12-05 08:23:56 -03; 22min ago" | sed -n 's/[^(]*(([^()]*)).*/1/p'
    # => running

    Pattern matches:

    [^(]*      - from start till first (
    (          - ( char
    ([^()]*) - a capturing group matching substring inside parentheses
    )          - ) char
    .*         - up to the string end

    -n ... p prints the result.

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