I’m using NodeJs to try to upload an attachment to a Jira Issue via the Jira Rest API.
The api expects multipart/form-data so this is how I’m calling it in Node:
function uploadAttachments(supportFormData, callback) {
const url =
'https://somewhere.com/jira/rest/api/2/issue/' +
supportFormData.issueId +
var options = {
url: url,
headers: {
Authorization: { user: username, password: password },
'X-Atlassian-Token': 'nocheck'
var r = request.post(options, function(err, res, body) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log('Upload successful! Server responded with:', body);
var form = r.form();
form.append('file', supportFormData.attachments[0].contents, {
filename: supportFormData.attachments[0].fileName,
contentType: supportFormData.attachments[0].contents
The error I’m receiving is:
org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException: Header section
has more than 10240 bytes (maybe it is not properly terminated)
The “supportFormData.attachments[0].contents” is ofType Buffer.
Any suggestions as to what could be causing this error?
If its a basic auth change options object to
I ran into this same issue and it turns out JIRA (or Java) requires
as new line character. After I changedn
my requests went through without problem.