I am new to Kylin and exploring same as well. It would be great if any one help me on below points :-
- My source is Hbase , how can i connect to Kylin to Hbase and build
cube? - Can Kylin connect Hbase through Drill ?
- Can i sync FLATTENED
table in Kylin ?
Thanks in advance , Any leads will be helpful.
Rahul S
1.Kylin has a HBase dependency and the data is encoded. Kylin accepts only Hive,kafka and JDBC as input sources as of version 2.5. And writes data to Apache HBase. As a solution for this you can Map HBase data to Hive and then input data to kylin through Hive.
Yes, it won’t show the Kylin Cube or HBase table to you. You can use the table that Tableau shows to you to analyse. Then Kylin will search the Cube satisfied with query condition according to your query.