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folder tree
This is work for me (from index.html, typed in browser (apache2))

<form action="love512.png" method="GET">

But this is not (even if I have love512.png in every folder)

<form action="../cgi-bin/love512.png" method="GET">
<form action="cgi-bin/love512.png" method="GET">
<form action="/cgi-bin/love512.png" method="GET">
<form action="/var/www/" method="GET">

After press the button of these 4 versions of index.html I have “Not Found. The requested URL was not found on this server.” On first one correctly opens a love512.png image.

Every folder and file(starting with ‘www’ folder) have 777 access permission and chown to akaleaf(me) group



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Solution is: add

    <IfModule alias_module> 
      ScriptAlias /cgi-bin "/var/www/" 

    in /etc/apache2/apache.conf file in some place(whatever I think)(don't forget to replace /var/www/ to path of your site root folder). File contains: Now love512.png doesn't work by cgi-bin/love512.png(but it work in from other folders, e.g. public_html), but script cgi-bin/ work, which is more better.

  2. The web server configuration file causes the server to have access only to the /var/www/ folder, which is why you’re unable to access love512.png in other folders, even by providing relative paths.

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