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I’m trying to get Xdebug (I installed 2.7 with pecl) working for php but getting the following error.

php -v
Xdebug requires Zend Engine API version 320160303.
The Zend Engine API version 320180731 which is installed, is newer.
Contact Derick Rethans at for a later version of Xdebug. 

PHP 7.3.3 (cli) (built: Mar  8 2019 16:40:07) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.3.3, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.3.3, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies

I’ve installed the latest version of PHP 7.3 with Homebrew, but Apache is using PHP Version 7.1.23 . I think I’m having an issue because I’m using wrong Zend API version.

php config in httpd.conf is

LoadModule php7_module libexec/apache2/

phpize gives the following.

/usr/local/bin/phpize -v
        Configuring for:
        PHP Api Version:         20180731
        Zend Module Api No:      20180731
        Zend Extension Api No:   320180731

I’ve added the following to php.ini


Which exists here :

/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20160303  ls

My questions

  • how do I get apache to use php 7.3?

  • will this solve my Xdebug issue?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    After quite a bit more research I found the following tool.

    I followed the instructions with some minor changes required for the path and Xdebug is now working.

  2. The xdebug site currently only has 64-bit versions for PHP 7.3; the PECL site has the 32-bit versions needed for XAMPP.

    this will be corrected once xdebug 2.7 is production, but in the meanwhile the PECL site is the work around.

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  3. You can use,

    For Windows,

    • Open terminal and enter php -i.
    • Copy the result and paste it on the text area.
    • It will say to download a dll file, Download it.
    • Rename downloaded file to php_xdebug.dll and copy to {php-intallation-path}/ext
    • Open php.ini file and,

    -> Uncomment these, (remove the leading ; only for the extension_dir),

    ; On windows:
    ; extension_dir = "ext"

    -> Add following line,

    zend_extension = xdebug

    Rerun the xdebug wizard to confirm,

    Xdebug installed: 3.1.1
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