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I want to find a / symbol on given text and replace with * symbol.


Here the CONSTANT is fixed and it will not get changed but after CONSTANT there can be any character. I want find the CONSTANT in the url and look for / symbol and replace it with * symbol.

Something like this – http://localhost:7070/home/test/mobile:device.testdevice.id1_123.id2_456.id3_ab-c.CONSTANT_formula:map*TreeMap.json

I am trying with below regular expression but it matches everything after CONSTANT as I use one or more identifier


Is there any way find the / symbol and replace with * symbol?



  1. Using mod_rewrite rule you can do this to replace / with * after keyword CONSTANT:

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(/.*CONSTANT[^/]*)/(.*) [NC]
    RewriteRule ^ %1*%2 [L,NE,R]

    Note that it will perform an external redirect after replacement in URL.

    We are using 2 capture groups in RewriteCond:

    1. ^(/.*CONSTANT[^/]*) matches everything upto CONSTANT followed by 0 or more of any char that is not /
    2. Then we match /
    3. (.*): Finally we match everything else in 2nd capture group
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  2. By using JavaScript, just use String.prototype.replace.

    Let the regex seperates the string into two parts from CONSTANT. Replace all / to * in the latter one.

    const reg = /CONSTANT(.*)/g
    const s = "http://localhost:7070/home/test/mobile:device.testdevice.id1_123.id2_456.id3_ab-c.CONSTANT_formula:map/dir1/dir2/TreeMap.json"
    const fixedStr = s.replace(reg, (match, g1, idx, origStr) => {
        return origStr.slice(0, idx) + match.replace(///g, '*');
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