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I have multiple projects based on PHP. Some require PHP version 5.x to run and other strictly require PHP 7.0 or above. I am working on these simultaneously. Is there a way to run multiple PHP versions such that I can switch between them when working on different projects.



  1. Try these steps:

    1. Stop LAMP if running.

    Download if you don’t have

    1. Edit /opt/lampp/etc/extra/httpd-xampp.conf (Comment out one of the following which is not needed):

      LoadModule php5_module modules/

      LoadModule php7_module modules/

    2. Start LAMP

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  2. >> Open C:xamppapacheconfextrahttpd-xampp.conf
    >> Write Following code at Bottom of this (httpd-xampp.conf) file
        ScriptAlias /php56 "C:/xampp/php56"
        <Directory "C:/xampp/php56">
            AllowOverride None
            Options None
            Require all denied
            <Files "php-cgi.exe">
                Require all granted
    >> Open C:xamppapacheconfextrahttpd-vhosts.confhttpd-vhosts.conf
    >> Create a virchual host in Different post By Writing Following code
        <VirtualHost *:8081>
            UnsetEnv PHPRC
            <FilesMatch ".php$">
                php_flag engine off
                SetHandler application/x-httpd-php5_6
                Action application/x-httpd-php5_6 "/php5_6/php-cgi.exe"
            DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/myphp5_6_project"
    >> Create a folder "myphp5_6_project" in htdocs of xampp
    >> Open C:xamppapacheconfhttpd.conf
    >> Write Listen 8081 (any where or Below Listen 80 line)
    >> Restart Apache Services
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