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I need to redirect all url’s that contain the parameter ?lang= to my base url.

For example: If redirect to

I have tried with RedirectMatch but it’s not working.




  1. Using Regular Expressions

    If you want to use a Regular Expression to redirect something, use the RedirectMatchdirective:

    RedirectMatch “^/lang=ru?.html/?$” “

    Don’t forget have mod_rewrite on in your apache configuration, and other configuration neccessary for enable your htaccess file.

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  2. The Redirect* directives do not handle the query string so you need to use URL rewriting instead.

    RewriteEngine on
    # if the query string contains a parameter called "lang"
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (?:^|&)lang=
    # then redirect (permanently) to /
    RewriteRule ^ / [L,R=permanent]
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