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I know there are dozens of questions about Apache not working, but nothing seems to solve it for me. I’m on macOS Big Sur 11.0.1.

I installed Apache with brew install httpd and then brew services start httpd. Everything seems to be okay, but going to http://localhost/ gives me "This site can’t be reached" error. also gives that error. My /etc/hosts configuration seems to be fine.

I don’t understand what’s wrong. What can I do to find out the issue?



  1. I find that

    apachectl stop
    apachectl start

    is the more reliable way to ensure httpd is running successfully. Also always

    tail -f /usr/local/var/log/httpd/error_log
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  2. I assume you have tried to follow tutorial. If not no worries. I followed this tutorial and I got the same issue.

    As per my understanding you have updated to BigSur from previous version and there you have used sudo to install apache and php etc. Now it will not work due to permission issues.

    I am able to make it run with the following steps

    1. Change Listen 80 to Listen in /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
    2. use sudo /usr/local/bin/httpd -k start to start your httpd

    Rest follow the tutorial to install multiple versions of PHP, enabling PHP in httpd.conf file and PHP version switcher. After switching the version you must stop and start the httpd via sudo command i mentioned above.

    So looks like things are working with this. I hope if I’m able to set proper permissions then I no longer need the sudo. And if you are at the tutorial, please check the comments at the bottom

    Take care

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  3. @Robo Robok

    apachectl stop gives me: /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist: Could not find specified service. Unload failed: 113: Could not find specified service


    1. sudo apachectl start
      first start the server
    2. sudo apachectl stop
      then you can stop it
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  4. I have same issue, I upgrade from catalina to big sur, apache is well for a month, then a restart, apache isn’t working.

    I follow above,

           Change Listen 80 to Listen in /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf

    This only make things worse.

    I reinstall apache use brew

    same problem, not works above.

    Finally, I change back Listen 10,


        sudo apachectl -k restart

    make it works again.

    Brew services list is wrong, misleading, not trust.

    if I run

          brew services list

    I got :

         Name  Status  User   Plist
         httpd error   root   /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.httpd.plist
         mysql started gemini /Users/gemini/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist

    You can see httpd is error, in fact, my apache runs well,
    so the info here is all wrong.

     !!!!!! if apache is not working !!!!!!
                  run following to fix:
                            sudo apachectl -k stop
                            sudo apachectl -k start
                            sudo apachectl -k restart
                  Check log:        
                            tail -f /usr/local/var/log/httpd/error_log
     !!!!!! if apache is not working !!!!!!
                change default port to 10:
                     edit file: 
                             change to  Listen : 10
                     server root directory: 
                                         DocumentRoot "/usr/local/var/www"       
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  5. $ brew update
    $ brew install apache2
    $ sudo apachectl start

    Access the index page at http://localhost:80 or by simply visiting localhost on the browser.

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