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I have a URL,, that I would like to use to serve content from my GitHub Pages site at via a reverse proxy in Apache. This is both as a temporary workaround until I update‘s DNS setting to point to GitHub Pages, as well as to teach myself how reverse proxies work.

I have my Apache config like so:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    SSLEngine On
    SSLProxyEngine On
    SSLProxyVerify none
    SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
    ProxyPass "/" "" 

When I try to go to “”, I get “The proxy server could not handle the request GET /.
Reason: Error during SSL Handshake with remote server.”

Is what I’m trying to do possible, and if so, what should I be changing?

I’m using Apache 2.2.



  1. You should probably remove the line:

    SSLEngine On

    It enables HTTPS on your port 80… but you don’t provide an SSL certificate (…and HTTPS uses port 443).
    You should also add the line:

    ProxyPassReverse "/" ""

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  2. The following config works perfectly on reverse proxy github pages

    <VirtualHost *:80>
            ServerName custom-domain
            ServerAdmin [email protected]
            ProxyRequests Off
            ProxyPreserveHost On
            SSLProxyEngine on
            SSLProxyVerify none
            SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
            SSLProxyCheckPeerName off
            SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off
            RequestHeader set Host ""
            RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto https
            RequestHeader set Origin ""
            ProxyPass /
            ProxyPassReverse /

    Make sure you replace myusername with your github username, mysite with your github repo name and custom-domain with your custom url

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  3. You don’t have to implement a reverse proxy yourself, since Github allows you to specify a custom domain

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