I have a URL
that I want to run
(POST EDIT#2 Correction I did originally ask for edit.php but I meant cat.php)
and I have a RewriteRule that works on my live server
RewriteRule "^(.*)xxxx.*/cat/(.*)?(.*)$" $1/xxxx/cat.php?name=$2&t=123$3[QSA]
and when I run a test via the htaccess tester https://htaccess.madewithlove.com?share=f9987308-2570-4fbe-a769-4e5031a96578, I get…
RewriteRule "^(.*)xxxx.*/cat/(.*)?(.*)$" $1/xxxx/cat.php?name=$2&t=123$3[QSA]
Firstly, I can’t see why $3 (e.g. "randomArg=2") isn’t coming through on the https://htaccess.madewithlove.com tester site.
Secondly, I have plugged this into my WAMP environment and although I see cat.php running I don’t see the RewriteRule working**
my cat.php code reads:
echo "<LI>_GET[*]:<PRE>" . print_r($_GET, true) . "</PRE>";
if (isset($_GET['name'])) {
echo "<LI>GET[name]=<PRE>" . $_GET['name'] . "</PRE>";
$params = explode("/", $_GET['name']);
$site = array_shift($params);
echo "<LI>shifted:[$site]";
else echo "<LI>No GET[name]";
if (isset($_GET['t'])) echo "<LI>t:<PRE>" . $_GET['t'] . "</PRE>";
else echo "<LI>No GET[t]";
and the output for http://localhost/xxxx/cat/History?randomArg=2
[randomArg] => 2
No GET[name]
No GET[t]
** But if the rule isn’t working then why is cat.php running (as the URL asks for "cat/History"?
(Windows, Apache 2.4.41, PHP5.4)
As a sidenote/test, putting this into my LAMP (Apache 2.4.6) environment using a similar rule (but using sss.xxx.com/testHtaccess/History) with the following rule…
RewriteRule "^(.*)testHtaccess/(.*)?(.*)$" $1/testHtaccess.php?name=$2&t=123$3[QSA]
… does partially work (it passes "name" through, but still no $3)!
So how can I get my localhost rule to work?
For what it’s worth, and as it’s pointed out by anubhava (below) I notice I have the following httpd-vhosts.conf
default settings:
# Virtual Hosts
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost
ServerAlias localhost
DocumentRoot "${INSTALL_DIR}/www"
<Directory "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/">
Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Require local
+MultiViews will explain "cat" turning into "cat.php"
Ok - lots of random variation attempts seems [and based on anubhava's very gratefully received persistence] to have found the following works:
(I wish there was a more scientific way to develop RewriteRules)
So using the rule (above), and running
with the following php:outputs ...
(though you don’t need to match here).MultiViews
(content negotiation service) turned on.You can use this code in your site root .htaccess:
your original query string will automatically be appended to new target.