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About 1 month ago I still can run TeamCity server but up to now, it said that Java executable of version 1.8 is not found.

I have set Environment Variables:

JAVA_HOME=C:Program FilesJavajdk-11.0.1

JRE_HOME=C:Program FilesJavajre1.8.0_192


In Path variables, I have set it to:


But it still says that it couldn’t found JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME.

The TeamCity server logs I have attached below.

[2018-11-27 10:50:45,773] FileTaskSettings                  [Info] Parsing service settings
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,774] FileTaskSettings                  [Info] Program to execute:   C:WINDOWSsystem32cmd.exe
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,774] FileTaskSettings                  [Info] Program arguments:    /c teamcity-server.bat run service
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,774] FileTaskSettings                  [Info] Program work dir:     c:TeamCitybin
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,774] FileTaskSettings                  [Info] Program stop timeout: 900000
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,774] CreateServiceSettingsAction       [Info] Service log file is set to: c:TeamCitylogsteamcity-winservice.log
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,774] CreateServiceSettingsAction       [Info] Installing service unser LOCAL_SYSTEM account
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,776] CreateServiceCommand              [Info] Service 'TeamCity' was created
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,778] CreateServiceAction               [Info] 
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,778] CreateServiceAction               [Info] Use the folloging commands to start/stop the service:
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,778] CreateServiceAction               [Info]   net.exe start TeamCity
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,778] CreateServiceAction               [Info]     to start service
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,778] CreateServiceAction               [Info] 
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,778] CreateServiceAction               [Info]   net.exe stop TeamCity
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,778] CreateServiceAction               [Info]     to stop service
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,778] CreateServiceAction               [Info] 
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,283] FileTaskSettings                  [Info] Parsing service settings
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,283] FileTaskSettings                  [Info] Program to execute:   C:WINDOWSsystem32cmd.exe
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,283] FileTaskSettings                  [Info] Program arguments:    /c teamcity-server.bat run service
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,283] FileTaskSettings                  [Info] Program work dir:     c:TeamCitybin
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,283] FileTaskSettings                  [Info] Program stop timeout: 900000
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,284] CreateServiceSettingsAction       [Info] Service log file is set to: c:TeamCitylogsteamcity-winservice.log
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,284] CreateServiceSettingsAction       [Info] Installing service unser LOCAL_SYSTEM account
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,286] CreateServiceCommand              [Info] Service 'TeamCity' was created
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,287] CreateServiceAction               [Info] 
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,287] CreateServiceAction               [Info] Use the folloging commands to start/stop the service:
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,287] CreateServiceAction               [Info]   net.exe start TeamCity
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,287] CreateServiceAction               [Info]     to start service
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,287] CreateServiceAction               [Info] 
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,288] CreateServiceAction               [Info]   net.exe stop TeamCity
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,288] CreateServiceAction               [Info]     to stop service
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,288] CreateServiceAction               [Info] 
[2018-11-27 11:20:28,729] ThreadedServiceTask               [Info] CallStartService
[2018-11-27 11:20:28,729] FileTaskSettings                  [Info] Parsing service settings
[2018-11-27 11:20:28,730] FileTaskSettings                  [Info] Program to execute:   C:WINDOWSsystem32cmd.exe
[2018-11-27 11:20:28,730] FileTaskSettings                  [Info] Program arguments:    /c teamcity-server.bat run service
[2018-11-27 11:20:28,730] FileTaskSettings                  [Info] Program work dir:     c:TeamCitybin
[2018-11-27 11:20:28,730] FileTaskSettings                  [Info] Program stop timeout: 900000
[2018-11-27 11:20:28,834] console                           [Info] Starting TeamCity server
[2018-11-27 11:20:28,835] console                           [Info] Looking for installed Java...
[2018-11-27 11:20:29,138] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:29,138] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:29,340] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:29,340] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:29,845] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:29,845] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,350] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,350] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,451] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,451] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console                           [Info] 
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console                           [Info] Java executable of version 1.8 is not found:
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console                           [Info] - Java executable is not found under the specified directories: "c:TeamCityjre"
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console                           [Info] - Neither the JAVA_HOME nor the JRE_HOME environment variable is defined
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console                           [Info] - Path to JVM is not found in Windows registry
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console                           [Info] - Java executable is not found in the default locations
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console                           [Info] - Java executable is not found in the directories listed in the PATH environment variable
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console                           [Info] 
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console                           [Info] Please make sure either JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME environment variable is defined and is pointing to the root directory of the valid Java (JRE) installation
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console                           [Info] 
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console                           [Info] Environment variable FJ_DEBUG can be set to enable debug output
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console                           [Info] 
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console                           [Info] Java not found. Cannot start TeamCity server. Please ensure JDK or JRE is installed and JAVA_HOME environment variable points to it.
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,754] console                           [Info] Server exited unexpectedly with code 1 and will be restarted
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,754] console                           [Info] Starting TeamCity server
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,754] console                           [Info] Looking for installed Java...
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,956] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,956] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:31,158] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:31,158] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:31,360] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:31,360] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:31,764] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:31,764] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:31,966] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:31,966] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console                           [Info] 
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console                           [Info] Java executable of version 1.8 is not found:
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console                           [Info] - Java executable is not found under the specified directories: "c:TeamCityjre"
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console                           [Info] - Neither the JAVA_HOME nor the JRE_HOME environment variable is defined
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console                           [Info] - Path to JVM is not found in Windows registry
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console                           [Info] - Java executable is not found in the default locations
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console                           [Info] - Java executable is not found in the directories listed in the PATH environment variable
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console                           [Info] 
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console                           [Info] Please make sure either JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME environment variable is defined and is pointing to the root directory of the valid Java (JRE) installation
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console                           [Info] 
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console                           [Info] Environment variable FJ_DEBUG can be set to enable debug output
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console                           [Info] 
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console                           [Info] Java not found. Cannot start TeamCity server. Please ensure JDK or JRE is installed and JAVA_HOME environment variable points to it.
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console                           [Info] Server exited unexpectedly with code 1 and will be restarted
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,168] console                           [Info] Starting TeamCity server
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,168] console                           [Info] Looking for installed Java...
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,370] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,370] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,571] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,571] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,773] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,773] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,177] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,177] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,379] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,379] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console                           [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console                           [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console                           [Info] 
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console                           [Info] Java executable of version 1.8 is not found:
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console                           [Info] - Java executable is not found under the specified directories: "c:TeamCityjre"
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console                           [Info] - Neither the JAVA_HOME nor the JRE_HOME environment variable is defined
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console                           [Info] - Path to JVM is not found in Windows registry
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console                           [Info] - Java executable is not found in the default locations
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console                           [Info] - Java executable is not found in the directories listed in the PATH environment variable
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console                           [Info] 
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console                           [Info] Please make sure either JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME environment variable is defined and is pointing to the root directory of the valid Java (JRE) installation
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console                           [Info] Team
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console                           [Info] Environment variable FJ_DEBUG can be set to enable debug output
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console                           [Info] 
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console                           [Info] Java not found. Cannot start TeamCity server. Please ensure JDK or JRE is installed and JAVA_HOME environment variable points to it.
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console                           [Info] Server exited unexpectedly with code 1 and restart limit (3) is reached
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,481] ProcessCommand                    [Info] Process exited with code: 0
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,581] ServiceExecuteProcessTask        [Error] Service process exited without service stop request



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I found my solution after read this answer What is the reason for '...' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file? . Basically TeamCity only get JRE_HOME variable, not the Path variable so it doesn't have ..bin in it. I just edit the JRE_HOME when setup TeamCity and it worked.

  2. I’ve had a similar issue and was able to resolve it by doing the following:

    1. Download an .exe installer for TeamCity.
    2. Install it into a new folder.
    3. Copy ‘jre’ folder from the new installation folder, and pasting it into the original TeamCity installation folder.
    Login or Signup to reply.
  3. I ran into this also. It turns out the answer was debugging the ‘findstr’ errors earlier in the log. For some reason, my Windows build server had lost ‘C:WindowsSystem32’ on its PATH. ‘Findstr’ is used by a teamcity internal batch file to parse Java’s version. This causes the startup script to fall back and assume Java was not installed. Once I added this directory back into the path, the server started up just fine.

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