I am trying to deploy Flask app on Unix system using Apache server.
Referring link
In order to deploy, virtual environment and project needs to be created inside "/var/www/" repository.
While doing this root access is required.
Now in order to install packages for this virtualenv from "/var/www/" location I am using
"sudo pip install package" –> pip does not exists
"pip install package" –> permission denied
Is there any way to accomplish this task.
sudo /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install package
When you have a closer look at the tutorial, you are referring to, there is no mention of installing anything globally with pip.
Instead, the author of the tutorial uses best practices and creates a virtual environment first.
There are at least two good reasons for this:
your environment is isolated from other packages
you do not need root or sudo to install
So, be sure to follow the instructions, and create a virtual environment first.
The author does it this way
Then activate it exactly like it is described.
That all said, you certainly can put your flask app into
, but this is just the author’s preference. You could also put it e.g. in a subfolder of your home directory.