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I installed laravel via homestead, but when I go to localhost I get the apache2 welcome/success screen. I can’t get the Laravel welcome page to load up.

I ran vagrant up on the homestead box but there were no laravel files. So I installed it using composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel app.

Now when I go to localhost I get the apache2 welcome screen. If I put an index.html in /vagrant I can get that to load up by going to localhost:8000. But going to the same address without the index file causes a 403.

I’ve tried all combinations of URLs, /app, /app/app, /app/public, and I’ve tried changing the URL in the .env.

Weirdly, I can’t find this apache welcome file on the server. The page itself says “You should replace this file (located at /var/www/html/index.html)” If I SSH in and go to that folder, there is an nginx welcome html page there, but no apache one.

If I go to file:///var/www/html/ in the browser, I see the index.html of the apache welcome page. If I go to file:///var/ I see a few different folders there than I do by SSHing into the vagrant box. I don’t understand why.

How can I get the Laravel welcome page to appear?


http://localhost:8000/public returns “No input file specified”

Sites part of homestead.yaml

    map: homestead.test
    to: /home/w/work/qs/app/public

/etc/hosts:       localhost       qs      qs   homestead.test
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
#     homestead.test



  1. As per documentation,

    you will still need to add an  /etc/hosts file entry for homestead.test or the domain of your choice if you are not using automatic 

    Add domain entry in your /etc/hosts file like:  homestead.test

    And try brows http://homestead.test from browser

    Make sure the IP address listed is the one set in your Homestead.yaml

    It seems you may running some commands out of the root directory of the project.

    Here is the very short video to verify your steps.

    All the best!

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  2. You need to add hosts entries for each site and the mappings to your Homestead.yaml:

    /etc/hosts:    homestead.test


        - map: homestead.test
          to: /home/vagrant/code/my-project/public

    Then still under ~/Homestead, run vagrant up --provision.

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