My Goal
is to be able to launch a daily task at a certain time every day and, if necessary, also be able to stop it, and if the previous day’s task is still active on the following day, I delete it
What am I trying to do
- Method that takes a task, a daily time and a boolean that indicates whether to start immediately or wait for the next time given in input (either today’s or tomorrow’s) to start the task every 24 hours
- Method to interrupt this daily task repetition
Code suggested by artificial intelligence
var executor: ScheduledExecutorService? = null
var scheduledFuture: ScheduledFuture<*>? = null
val firstExecution = AtomicBoolean(true)
fun startTaskAt(hour: Int, task: Runnable, immediate: Boolean = false) {
executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor()
// get current date
val now =
// creates a new LocalDateTime instance with the fixed time
val scheduledTime = LocalDateTime.of(now.year, now.month, now.dayOfMonth, hour, 0, 0, 0)
// if the set time has already passed today, add a day to the date
if (scheduledTime.isBefore(now)) {
//I calculate the initial delay is respect if it's the first time I launch it
val initialDelay = if (firstExecution.getAndSet(false)) {
//or if the input parameter tells me to start it immediately
if (immediate) 0 else {
val millisUntilScheduledTime = Duration.between(now, scheduledTime).toMillis()
//if for some reason this value is negative I still set it to 0
if (millisUntilScheduledTime < 0) 0 else millisUntilScheduledTime
} else {
//I'm in case it's not the first time I've run it and therefore I don't have to add the initial delay to reach the set time
//cancel the last task, if any
// start the new task after the initial delay, then every 24 hours
scheduledFuture = executor?.scheduleWithFixedDelay(
24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
fun stopRepeatedDailyTask() {
scheduledFuture = null
Is this code suggested to me by the AI correct?
Is there a better way to do what I need?