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I’m trying to build a regex to catch a useful part of my S3 filename uploads. I used a regex generator and so far I have this test (which results in an error thrown on javascript):


Here are some example strings that I am working with (with the require pattern to match):

"MTxoZbRRUu9BfQLvAWwP_Bruntwood Leeds Digital Festival ad.pdf" // desired match "Bruntwood Leeds Digital Festival ad"

"bbZRU3329BfXXvvAWwP_short-video.mp4" // desired match "short-video"

"zQZFnWVcRUbFNGyGdIP0_MGI-Artificial-Intelligence-Discussion-slides.pptx" // desired match "MGI-Artificial-Intelligence-Discussion-slides"

If it helps – I need to run this regex test on javascript.

const filename = "bbZRU3329BfXXvvAWwP_short-video.mp4";
const match = filename.match(regex);
console.log(match); // "short-video"

Thank you!



  1. I used a regex generator

    But not for JavaScript regexes, it seems. Every tool and library has its own regex quirks. In particular, JS doesn’t support possessive quantifiers like ++ (nor independent submatches in general, (?> )).

    JS also does not support look-behind, (?<= ).

    You could e.g. do this instead:

    const strs = [
        "MTxoZbRRUu9BfQLvAWwP_Bruntwood Leeds Digital Festival ad.pdf",
    for (const str of strs) {
        const m = /_([^.]+)./.exec(str);
        if (!m) {
            console.log("no match: " + str);
        console.log("match: " + m[1]);
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  2. Given your examples, you could use a much simpler regex:

    const regex = /_([^.]+)/;
    const inputs = [
      "MTxoZbRRUu9BfQLvAWwP_Bruntwood Leeds Digital Festival ad.pdf", // desired match "Bruntwood Leeds Digital Festival ad"
      "bbZRU3329BfXXvvAWwP_short-video.mp4", // desired match "short-video"
      "zQZFnWVcRUbFNGyGdIP0_MGI-Artificial-Intelligence-Discussion-slides.pptx" // desired match "MGI-Artificial-Intelligence-Discussion-slides"
    for (const input of inputs) {
      const match = input.match(regex);
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  3. Don’t use regex generators if they don’t provide your end regex flavor as flavors syntax and features may differ from each other. You are basically doing this:


    with the only one difference that it matches preceding _ character too that you can work around it later in JS.

    Live demo

    var text = `MTxoZbRRUu9BfQLvAWwP_Bruntwood Leeds Digital Festival ad.pdf
      text.match(/_[^.]+/g).map(v => v.substr(1))
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  4. For these example strings you could split on a dot and an underscore [._]

    That will give you an array with 3 parts. The values you are looking for are in the second part [1]:

    const strings = [
      "MTxoZbRRUu9BfQLvAWwP_Bruntwood Leeds Digital Festival ad.pdf",
    strings.forEach((s) => console.log(s.split(/[_.]/)[1]));
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