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While reading through some lecture notes on preliminary number theory, I came across the solution to
water jug problem (with two jugs) which is summed as thus:

Using the property of the G.C.D of two numbers that GCD(a,b) is the smallest possible linear combination of a and b, and hence a certain quantity Q is only measurable by the 2 jugs, iff Q is a n*GCD(a,b), since Q=sA + tB, where:

n = a positive integer
A = capacity of jug A
B=  capacity of jug B

And, then the method to the solution is discussed

Another model of the solution is to model the various states as a state-space search problem as often resorted to in Artificial Intelligence.

My question is: What other known methods exist which models the solution, and how? Google didn’t throw up much.



  1. This type of problem is often amenable to dynamic programming techniques. I’ve ofetn seen this specific problem used as an example in operations research courses. One nice step-by-step description is here.

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  2. An amazing and amusing approach (for 3 jugs) is through barycentric coordinates (really!), as described at the always brilliant website Cut-the-Knot: Barycentric coordinates: A Curious Application.

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  3. The search space method is what I would’ve suggested. I made a program to solve generic water jugs problems using a BFS. Could send it to you if you wish.

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  4. Strictly for 2 Jug Problem

    Q = A * x + B * y

    Q = Gallons you need.

    Note: The Q must be a multiple of Gcd(A,B) else there is no solution. If Gcd(A,B) == 1, There is a solution for Any Q.

    1) Method 1 :
    Extended Euclid’s Algorithm will solve it faster than any Graph Algorithm.

    2) Method 2:
    Here’s a Naive Approach. (note, this can throw 2 solutions, You’ll have to choose which is shorter)

    The Problem in question can be simply solved by repeatedly Fill from one bucket A to another bucket B (order doesnt matter) until it fills up with the amount you want…ofcoz, when a bucket fillsup, you empty it and continue.

        A = 3, B = 4 and Q = 2

    Repeatedly Fill A->B

        A B
        0 0
        4 0
        1 3
        1 0
        0 1
        4 1
        2 3 <-Solution

    Lets try and observe what happens if we go the other way round,
    Fill B->A

    A  B
    0  0
    0  3
    3  0
    3  3
    4  2 <- Solution

    In this case filling B->A gives us the goal state faster than A->B

    Generic N Jugs
    Here’s an interesting paper

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  5. I encountered this problem during one of my studies. As you, and as st0le said here, I found as answer to the problem the Extended Euclide’s algorithm. But this answer do not satisfied me, because I think it’s a quantitative answer, not a qualitative one (that is, the algorithm does not say what step to take to reach the result).

    I think I found a different solution to the problem that always reach the result with the minimum number of steps.

    Here it is:

    1. Check problem’s feasibility:
      • Q is a multiple of the MCD(A,B);
      • Q is <= max(A,B).
    2. Choose the service jug (that is, the one you will refill with the pump). Supposing A > B (you can easily find which jug is the bigger one):

      if(Q is multiple of B)
          return B
      a_multiplier = 1
      b_multiplier = 1
      difference = A - B
      a_multiple = A
      b_multiple = B
      while(|difference| differs Q)
          if b_multiple < a_multiple
              b_multiple = b_multiplier + 1
              b_multiple = b_multiplier * B
              a_multiple = a_multiplier + 1
              a_multiple = a_multiplier * A
          difference = a_multiple - b_multiple
      if(difference < 0)
          return B
          return A
    3. start the filling process:

      • fill with the pump the service jug (if empty)

      • fill the other jug using the service one

      • check fullness of the other jug and, in case, empty it

      • stop when the bigger jug contains Q

    Below you find a very naive implementation of the algorithm in c++. Feel free to reuse it, or improve it as you need.

    #include <cstdio>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <cstring>
    unsigned int mcd(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {
        // using the Euclide's algorithm to find MCD(a,b)
        unsigned int a_n = a;
        unsigned int b_n = b;
        while(b_n != 0) {
            unsigned int a_n1 = b_n;
            b_n = a_n % b_n; 
            a_n = a_n1;
        return a_n;
    unsigned int max(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {
        return a < b ? b : a;
    unsigned int min(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {
        return a > b ? b : a;
    void getServiceJugIndex(unsigned int capacities[2], unsigned int targetQty, unsigned int &index) {
        unsigned int biggerIndex = capacities[0] < capacities[1] ? 1 : 0;
        unsigned int smallerIndex = 1 - biggerIndex;
        if(targetQty % capacities[smallerIndex] == 0) {
            // targetQty is a multiple of the smaller jug, so it's convenient to use this one
            // as 'service' jug
            index = smallerIndex;
        unsigned int multiples[2] = {capacities[0], capacities[1]};
        unsigned int multipliers[2] = {1, 1};
        int currentDifference = capacities[0] - capacities[1];
        while(abs(currentDifference) != targetQty) {
            if(multiples[smallerIndex] < multiples[biggerIndex])
                multiples[smallerIndex] = capacities[smallerIndex] * ++multipliers[smallerIndex];
                multiples[biggerIndex] = capacities[biggerIndex] * ++multipliers[biggerIndex];
            currentDifference = multiples[biggerIndex] - multiples[smallerIndex];
        index = currentDifference < 0 ? smallerIndex : biggerIndex;
    void print_step(const char *message, unsigned int capacities[2], unsigned int fillings[2]) {
        printf("%snn", message);
        for(unsigned int i = max(capacities[0], capacities[1]); i > 0; i--) {
            if(i <= capacities[0]) {
                char filling[9];
                if(i <= fillings[0])
                    strcpy(filling, "|=====| ");
                    strcpy(filling, "|     | ");
                printf("%s", filling);
            } else {
                printf("        ");
            if(i <= capacities[1]) {
                char filling[8];
                if(i <= fillings[1])
                    strcpy(filling, "|=====|");
                    strcpy(filling, "|     |");
                printf("%s", filling);
            } else {
                printf("       ");
        printf("------- -------nn");
    void twoJugsResolutor(unsigned int capacities[2], unsigned int targetQty) {
        if(capacities[0] == 0 && capacities[1] == 0) {
            printf("ERROR: Both jugs have 0 l capacity.n");
        // 1. check feasibility
        //  1.1. calculate MCD and verify targetQty is reachable
        unsigned int mcd = ::mcd(capacities[0], capacities[1]);
        if ( targetQty % mcd != 0 ||
        //  1.2. verify that targetQty is not more than max capacity of the biggest jug
                targetQty > max(capacities[0], capacities[1])) {
            printf("The target quantity is not reachable with the available jugsn");
        // 2. choose 'service' jug
        unsigned int serviceJugIndex;
        getServiceJugIndex(capacities, targetQty, serviceJugIndex);
        unsigned int otherJugIndex = 1 - serviceJugIndex;
        unsigned int finalJugIndex = capacities[0] > capacities[1] ? 0 : 1;
        // 3. start fill process
        unsigned int currentFilling[2] = {0, 0};
        while(currentFilling[finalJugIndex] != targetQty) {
            // 3.1 fill with the pump the service jug (if needed)
            if(currentFilling[serviceJugIndex] == 0) {
                currentFilling[serviceJugIndex] = capacities[serviceJugIndex];
                print_step("Filling with the pump the service jug", capacities, currentFilling);
            // 3.2 fill the other jug using the service one
            unsigned int thisTimeFill = min(currentFilling[serviceJugIndex], capacities[otherJugIndex] - currentFilling[otherJugIndex]);
            currentFilling[otherJugIndex] += thisTimeFill;
            currentFilling[serviceJugIndex] -= thisTimeFill;
            print_step("Filling the other jug using the service one", capacities, currentFilling);
            // 3.3 check fullness of the other jug and, in case, empty it
            if(currentFilling[otherJugIndex] == capacities[otherJugIndex]) {
                currentFilling[otherJugIndex] = 0;
                print_step("Empty the full jug", capacities, currentFilling);
    int main (int argc, char** argv) {
        if(argc < 4)
            return -1;
        unsigned int jugs[] = {atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2])};
        unsigned int qty = atoi(argv[3]);
        twoJugsResolutor(jugs, qty);

    I don’t know if there is any mathematical concept behind the process I described to choose the right jug to minimize the number of needed steps, I use it as an heuristic.

    I hope this can help you.

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