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There is an XML string. I can’t figure out how to get only the contents of the node, and then split it into separate Persons.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://">
        <GetJob xmlns="http:// ">
                        <Name>Ивано Иван Иванович</Name>
                        <Name>Петров Петр Петрович</Name>
        </<GetJob >

I tried something like

  XElement contacts = XElement.Parse();
contacts.Element(Element("GetJob ").Element("GetResult")

            XElement contacts = XElement.Parse(
                @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""http://"">
        <GetJob xmlns=""http:// "">
                        <Name>Ивано Иван Иванович</Name>
                        <Name>Петров Петр Петрович</Name>
        </<GetJob >
            IEnumerable<XElement> de =
      from el in contacts.Descendants("soap")
      select el;
            foreach (XElement el in de)
            XElement contacts = XElement.Parse(
                @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""http://"">
        <GetJob xmlns=""http:// "">
                        <Name>Ивано Иван Иванович</Name>
                        <Name>Петров Петр Петрович</Name>
        </<GetJob >
            IEnumerable<XElement> de =
      from el in contacts.Descendants("soap")
      select el;
            foreach (XElement el in de)

Returns an error:"Name cannot begin with the ‘<‘ character, hexadecimal value 0x3C. Line 18, position 11." I tried it using the method of the Doctoral Candidates



  1. This code will work for you.

    var xml = new XmlDocument();
    var node = xml.GetElementsByTagName("GetResult")[0];
    var ls = new List<Person>();
    foreach (XmlNode n in node["Data"].GetElementsByTagName("Person"))
        ls.Add(new Person
           Name =n["Name"].InnerXml,
           Active = n["Active"].InnerXml == "true" ? true : false
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  2. You can try this code

        XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
        var personDetails = doc.Descendants()
        .Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == "Person")
        .Select(x => new
             Name = x.Elements().Where(i=> i.Name.LocalName == "Name").First().Value,
             Active = x.Elements().Where(i=> i.Name.LocalName == "Active").First().Value

    or if you have only 2 Person properties

    var personDetail = doc.Descendants()
        .Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == "Person")
        .Select(x => new
             Name = x.Elements().First().Value,
             Active = x.Elements().Last().Value 
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  3. Please try the following solution based on LINQ to XML API. It is available in the .Net Framework since 2007.

    All XML elements starting from <GetJob xmlns='http://wow2'>, and down below, are bound to the default namespace. So, we need to declare that namespace and use it in the expressions.


    void Main()
        XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Parse(@"<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap='http://wow'>
                    <GetJob xmlns='http://wow2'>
                                    <Name>Ивано Иван Иванович</Name>
                                    <Name>Петров Петр Петрович</Name>
        XNamespace ns2 = "http://wow2";
        var persons = xdoc.Descendants(ns2 + "Person")
            .Select(x => new
                Name = x.Element(ns2  + "Name").Value,
                Active = x.Element(ns2 + "Active").Value


    Name Active
    Ивано Иван Иванович true
    Петров Петр Петрович true
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