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In Blazor / C# / ASP.NET Core 8.0, I am trying to load the InputSelect with the list when it is clicked, but I am not able to do it.

Actually I want to make something like multiple InputSelects. Let’s say venues.

And if one item is selected in one InputSelect, I want it not to appear in other InputSelects – is this even possible?

I am using .NET 8.0 and it is a Blazor Server project.

@rendermode InteractiveServer

    <InputSelect @bind-Value=SelectedVenue style="width:100px" @onfocus="LoadVenuesOnClick">
        @foreach (var venue in venueNames)
            <option value="@venue">@venue</option>

     private void LoadVenuesOnClick()
            List<string> venueNames = venueDL_GLOBAL.GetAvailableVenues(Hour, Day, MainHall);

            if (venueNames!=null)

private List<string> venueNames = new() { "None" };
private string SelectedVenue = "None";

I have tried to do with @onselect, but it is not working:

<InputSelect @bind-Value=SelectedVenue style="width:100px" @onselect="LoadVenuesOnClick">

Also I did tried to add StateHasChanged(); to notify Blazor to re-render the component, in the LoadVenuesOnClick() function.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER
    @rendermode InteractiveServer

    In my parent component, this was missing that is why it was not working. Otherwise it is working fine.

  2. I don’t exactly understand what you’re trying to do. Maybe the following will give you some ideas. Probably seeing how I used Linq to filter the available venues with .Where() and .Contains() might help. I use those constantly on almost every page involving data.

    @page "/"
        @foreach (var timeinfo in Infos)
                <td style="border:1px solid black;">@timeinfo.ScheduleTime.ToShortTimeString()</td>
                         if (!timeinfo.CurrentlySelecting)
                            <select @onclick="()=>LoadOptions(timeinfo)">
                            <option style="font-style:italic" selected disabled >
                                Load. . .
                            var availableVenues = timeinfo.AvailableVenues.Where(av => !timeinfo.SelectedVenues.Contains(av));
                            var numAvailable = availableVenues.Count();
                            if (numAvailable > 0 && timeinfo.CurrentlySelecting)
                                <select @onchange="(val)=>SelectVenue(timeinfo, val.Value.ToString())">
                                    <option selected disabled>Select a venue. . . </option>
                                    @foreach (var venue in availableVenues)
                                        <option value=@venue>@venue</option>
                    @foreach (var venue in timeinfo.SelectedVenues)
                        <span style="border:1px solid black; border-radius:3px;padding:2px;margin:3px;">@(venue.ToString() + " ")</span>
    @code {
        List<string> AllVenues = new();
        List<SchedTimeInfo> Infos = new();
        List<TimeOnly> ScheduleTimes = new()
            new TimeOnly(12, 30),
            new TimeOnly(2, 00),
            new TimeOnly(4, 30),
            new TimeOnly(6, 00)
        public class SchedTimeInfo
            public SchedTimeInfo(TimeOnly time)
                ScheduleTime = time;
            public TimeOnly ScheduleTime { get; set; }
            public List<string> AvailableVenues { get; set; } = new();
            public List<string> SelectedVenues { get; set; } = new();
            public bool CurrentlySelecting;
        async Task LoadOptions(SchedTimeInfo info)
            List<string> AvailableVenuesForTime = // GetAvailableVenues(time) method.
             new() { "Paris", "Vancouver", "Seattle", "Tokyo" };
            info.AvailableVenues = AvailableVenuesForTime;
            info.CurrentlySelecting = true;
        async Task SelectVenue(SchedTimeInfo info, string venue)
            info.CurrentlySelecting = false;
        protected override void OnInitialized()
            foreach (var time in ScheduleTimes) Infos.Add(new SchedTimeInfo(time));
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