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I do not seem to be able to supply a callback from the parent component to the child, when teh child is rnedered using @Body:

    <CascadingValue  Value="isGB">
        <CascadingValue Value="HandleChange">

@code {
    private void HandleChange(bool isgb)
        throw new Exception();

        isGB = isgb;

What I ave in the child component:

    public EventCallback<bool> HandleChange { get; set; }

    private async Task ChangeIsGB(bool isgb)
        IsGB = isgb;
        await HandleChange.InvokeAsync(isgb);

But the event does not fire, sadly enough. Why?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Actually, setting the rendermode in App.razor solved teh issue. I read that without this events would not fire. (Not even click events)

    This is it:

     <Routes @rendermode=RenderMode.InteractiveServer />

    This essentially sets the rendermode to interactiev server by default. Otherwise teh default rendermode is static.

  2. You can’t pass the method directly as a CascadingValue the way you’re trying, but what you can do is create an EventCallback and pass that instead.

    Hosting Page (MainLayout.razor?):

    <CascadingValue Value="this.HandleChange">
    @code {
        private EventCallback<bool> HandleChange { get; set; }
        private bool IsGB { get; set; }
        private override void OnInitializedAsync()
            this.HandleChange = new EventCallback<bool>(this, (Action<bool>)this.HandleChangeEvent);
        private void HandleChangeEvent(bool isGB)
            this.IsGb = isGB;
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