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In abp framwork how can I add a new field to identityUserRole?

I am facing the following error to add a new field to the table IdentityUserRole I will be glad if someone can guide me.

The type 'Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUserRole' 
must be convertible to 'Volo.Abp.Data.IHasExtraProperties' 
in order to use it as parameter 'TEntity' in the generic method 'ObjectExtensionManager Volo.Abp.ObjectExtending.EfCoreObjectExtensionManagerExtensions.MapEfCoreProperty<TEntity,TProperty>(this ObjectExtensionManager, string, Action<EntityTypeBuilder,PropertyBuilder>)'



  1. This is how you can add a new field to UserRole with code logic:

        public string YourNewField { get; set; }

    In OnModelCreating in DbContext:

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
        builder.Entity<AppUserRole>(b =>
            b.Property(e => e.YourNewField).HasMaxLength(128); 

    You can then create a migration and update the migration.

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  2. Open ModuleExtensionConfigurator class inside the Domain.Shared project of your solution and change the ConfigureExtraProperties method like below:

            .ConfigureIdentity(identity =>
                identity.ConfigureRole(role =>
                    role.AddOrUpdateProperty<string>("YourFieldName", property =>
                        property.Attributes.Add(new RequiredAttribute()); // if it's Required
                        property.Attributes.Add(new StringLengthAttribute(64) { MinimumLength = 4 }); // Specify Your string length if your field type is string
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