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I have some AuthorizationHandler that I register with a typed client:

    var clientFactory = services.BuildServiceProvider().GetRequiredService<IHttpClientFactory>();
        .AddHttpMessageHandler(() =>
            var authorization = new BearerAuthorization(clientFactory, clientId, clientSecret, authHost, token);
            return new AuthorizationHandler(authorization);

When I get the "TypedClient" directly through the DI container, everything works fine and the AuthorizationHandler handler is called before the request, for example, like this:

    _typedClient = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<TypedClient>();
    await _typedClient.SendRequest(); // OK

BUT. When trying to get this client from the ITypedHttpClientFactory factory, the handler stops being called, which gives an authorization error:

    _httpClientFactory = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IHttpClientFactory>();
    _typedClientFactory = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ITypedHttpClientFactory<TypedClient>>();
    using var client = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient();
    using var typedClient = _typedClientFactory.CreateClient(client);

    await typedClient.SendRequest(); // Fail

How do I get a typed client from the factory that will have the added handler called before the request?



  1. This is expected, as the ITypedHttpClientFactory documentation states:

    The default ITypedHttpClientFactory<TClient> uses type activation to create typed client instances. Typed client types are not retrieved directly from the IServiceProvider. See CreateInstance(IServiceProvider, Type, Object[]) for details.

    So, here’s answer to your question:

    Typed client types are not retrieved directly from the IServiceProvider.

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  2. One way to solve this problem is to inject a named client into the typed client via the ITypedHttpClientFactory‘s CreateClient method. Whenever you fetch a named HttpClient then it will retrieve it from the DI with all of its DelegatingHandlers.

    Here you can find a working example:

    Service registrations

    ServiceCollection collection  = new();
    collection.AddHttpClient<ITypedClient, TypedClient>("test")
        .AddHttpMessageHandler(sp => sp.GetService<TestDelegatingHandler>());
    • Here we register a dummy DelegatingHandler into the DI container first
    • Then we register the default HttpClient factories
    • Finally we register a typed client which is named test
      • Here we add the MessageHandler to the named client

    Client creations

    ServiceProvider provider = collection.BuildServiceProvider();
    IHttpClientFactory namedFactory = provider.GetRequiredService<IHttpClientFactory>();
    ITypedHttpClientFactory<TypedClient> typedFactory  = provider.GetRequiredService<ITypedHttpClientFactory<TypedClient>>();
    HttpClient namedClient = namedFactory.CreateClient("test");
    TypedClient typedClient = typedFactory.CreateClient(namedClient); 
    • First we build the ServiceCollection
    • Then we retrieve an IHttpClientFactory and an ITypedHttpClientFactory service
    • Thirdly we fetch the named client .CreateClient("test")
      • This client is decorated with the dummy DelegatingHandler
    • Finally we create a TypedClient instance via the ITypedHttpClientFactory by injecting the previously fetched named HttpClient

    Supporting structures

    public interface ITypedClient
        Task GetAsync();
    public class TypedClient: ITypedClient
        private readonly HttpClient _client;
        public TypedClient(HttpClient client) => _client = client;
        public async Task GetAsync() => await _client.GetAsync("");
    public class TestDelegatingHandler: DelegatingHandler
        protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            return await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
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