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I am creating a control in a Razor Control Library. I am trying to only allow a few keys presses to be allowed in a text box. They are:

  1. Any number greater than 0. This is to include decimals
  2. The letter "N" or "n"
  3. Allow the user to copy/paste (control+c and control+v).
  4. Allow arrows and tab key

I can easily do this in Javascript, by using the Keycode. In JS, I would do this:

keyPress: function (e) {
        var datatype = e.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-type");;
        //add 110, 190 for decimal          
        if ($.inArray(e.keyCode, [46, 8, 9, 27, 13]) !== -1 ||
            // Allow: Ctrl+A,Ctrl+C,Ctrl+V, Command+A
            ((e.keyCode == 65 || e.keyCode == 86 || e.keyCode == 67) && (e.ctrlKey === true || e.metaKey === true)) ||
            // Allow: home, end, left, right, down, up
            (e.keyCode >= 35 && e.keyCode <= 40)) {
            // let it happen, don't do anything
            if (e.keyCode == 86) {
        if (e.keyCode === 78) {
            //its an N, do some stuff
        } else if ((e.shiftKey || (e.keyCode < 48 || e.keyCode > 57)) && (e.keyCode < 96 || e.keyCode > 105)) {

But, how would I do this in Blazor/Razor? The KeyboardEventArgs does not seem to provide the KeyCode. I could use jsInterop to call my JS function, but, again, KeyboardEventArgs does not provide the JS KeyCode. How can I either accomplish this in Blazor or get the numeric KeyCode, so I can pass this to my JS function?



  1. You can use more Blazor way to do that and check the string every time the text is changed.

    @using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    <input @bind-value="@InputValue" @bind-value:event="oninput"/>
    <h4>@InputValue </h4>
    @code {
        private string _inputVal = "";
        public string InputValue {
            get => _inputVal;
            set { 
            if((double.TryParse(value,out double d) && d>0)//is the number like 1.23
              || value.ToLower()=="n" || value=="" )//or is N,n or empty str
                _inputVal = value;

    Pasting and arrow keys work as expected.

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  2. Reformated info from this blog: to

    Dictionary<string, int> KeyCodes = new ()
                { "Backspace", 8 },
                { "Tab", 9 },
                { "Enter", 13 },
                { "ShiftLeft", 16 },
                { "ShiftRight", 16 },
                { "ControlLeft", 17 },
                { "ControlRight", 17 },
                { "AltLeft", 18 },
                { "AltRight", 18 },
                { "Pause", 19 },
                { "CapsLock", 20 },
                { "Escape", 27 },
                { "Space", 32 },
                { "PageUp", 33 },
                { "PageDown", 34 },
                { "End", 35 },
                { "Home", 36 },
                { "ArrowLeft", 37 },
                { "ArrowUp", 38 },
                { "ArrowRight", 39 },
                { "ArrowDown", 40 },
                { "PrintScreen", 44 },
                { "Insert", 45 },
                { "Delete", 46 },
                { "Digit0", 48 },
                { "Digit1", 49 },
                { "Digit2", 50 },
                { "Digit3", 51 },
                { "Digit4", 52 },
                { "Digit5", 53 },
                { "Digit6", 54 },
                { "Digit7", 55 },
                { "Digit8", 56 },
                { "Digit9", 57 },
                { "KeyA", 65 },
                { "KeyB", 66 },
                { "KeyC", 67 },
                { "KeyD", 68 },
                { "KeyE", 69 },
                { "KeyF", 70 },
                { "KeyG", 71 },
                { "KeyH", 72 },
                { "KeyI", 73 },
                { "KeyJ", 74 },
                { "KeyK", 75 },
                { "KeyL", 76 },
                { "KeyM", 77 },
                { "KeyN", 78 },
                { "KeyO", 79 },
                { "KeyP", 80 },
                { "KeyQ", 81 },
                { "KeyR", 82 },
                { "KeyS", 83 },
                { "KeyT", 84 },
                { "KeyU", 85 },
                { "KeyV", 86 },
                { "KeyW", 87 },
                { "KeyX", 88 },
                { "KeyY", 89 },
                { "KeyZ", 90 },
                { "MetaLeft", 91 },
                { "MetaRight", 92 },
                { "ContextMenu", 93 },
                { "Numpad0", 96 },
                { "Numpad1", 97 },
                { "Numpad2", 98 },
                { "Numpad3", 99 },
                { "Numpad4", 100 },
                { "Numpad5", 101 },
                { "Numpad6", 102 },
                { "Numpad7", 103 },
                { "Numpad8", 104 },
                { "Numpad9", 105 },
                { "NumpadMultiply", 106 },
                { "NumpadAdd", 107 },
                { "NumpadSubtract", 109 },
                { "NumpadDecimal", 110 },
                { "NumpadDivide", 111 },
                { "F1", 112 },
                { "F2", 113 },
                { "F3", 114 },
                { "F4", 115 },
                { "F5", 116 },
                { "F6", 117 },
                { "F7", 118 },
                { "F8", 119 },
                { "F9", 120 },
                { "F10", 121 },
                { "F11", 122 },
                { "F12", 123 },
                { "NumLock", 144 },
                { "ScrollLock", 145 },
                { "AudioVolumeMute", 173 },
                { "AudioVolumeDown", 174 },
                { "AudioVolumeUp", 175 },
                { "LaunchMediaPlayer", 181 },
                { "LaunchApplication1", 182 },
                { "LaunchApplication2", 183 },
                { "Semicolon", 186 },
                { "Equal", 187 },
                { "Comma", 188 },
                { "Minus", 189 },
                { "Period", 190 },
                { "Slash", 191 },
                { "Backquote", 192 },
                { "BracketLeft", 219 },
                { "Backslash", 220 },
                { "BracketRight", 221 },
                { "Quote", 222 },

    Now when you get your KeyboardEventArgs call KeyCodes.TryGetValue(eventArgs.Code, out int code); to get a numeric value like it was in JS.

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