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I can not UPDATE my SQL Server column by SUM and selecting the two different IDs in to tables?

Here is my code:

protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged1(object sender, GridViewSelectEventArgs e)
    txt_ID.Text = GridView1.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[0].Text;

string ObjektID = txt_ID.Text;

SqlConnection conn2 = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SqlDataSource1"].ToString());
SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand();
SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand("SELECT SUM(Summe As BigInt) As SummeXY, ItemObjektID FROM [Item] GROUP BY ItemObjektID");

cmd2.CommandText = "UPDATE Objekt SET Summe = @Sum WHERE ObjektID = @ID";

    cmd3.Connection = conn2;
    object result = cmd3.ExecuteScalar();

    cmd2.Connection = conn2;
    cmd2.Parameters.Add("@ID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(ObjektID);
    cmd2.Parameters.Add("@Sum", SqlDbType.BigInt).Value = Convert.ToInt64(result);
    cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text;



  1. This is, in my opinion, an XY Problem; you should not be storing aggregated data in our tables. Doing so will only cause you to endlessly chase your tail as every time the table Item has a DML statement run against it you need to perform one against Objekt too.

    Instead use a VIEW to calculate the aggregate values, and then if you need them, query that view. In it’s simplest form, the VIEW will likely look something like this:

        SELECT I.ItemObjektID,
               SUM(CONVERT(bigint,I.Summe)) AS SummeXY
        FROM dbo.Item I
        GROUP BY I.ItemObjektID;

    Of course, you may well want to JOIN to your table Objekt so that you can expose other columns from that table as well.

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  2. Consider performing your update as a single statement:

    /* Some demo DDL/DML */
    DECLARE @Objekt TABLE (ObjektID INT, Summe BIGINT);
    INSERT INTO @Objekt (ObjektID) VALUES (1),(2),(3);
    DECLARE @Item TABLE (ItemObjektID INT, Value INT);
    INSERT INTO @Item (ItemObjektID, Value) VALUES (1,1),(2,1),(1,9),(3,1),(3,5);
    DECLARE @ID INT = 2; /* This is not required when passing the param in from a Parameterized SqlCommand */
    UPDATE o
       SET Summe = v.SummeXY
      FROM (
            SELECT i.ItemObjektID, SUM(CAST(i.Value AS BIGINT)) AS SummeXY
              FROM @Item i
             GROUP BY i.ItemObjektID 
           ) v
        INNER JOIN @Objekt o
          ON v.ItemObjektID = o.ObjektID
          AND o.ObjektID = @ID;

    If we then select from the table:

    SELECT *
      FROM @Objekt;

    We can see it has been updated with the total for the 2 ID.

    ObjektID Summe
    2 1

    As Thom explains in the other answer, this is possibly a sub-optimal strategy and it may be more effective to create a view with the totals, or perhaps a computed column, instead (depending on the source and complexity of the actual calculation).

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