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I have 4 classes

Class 1:

Public class user
 Public int Id {get;set;}
 Public string username {get;set;}
 Public ICollection<Project> 

Class 2:

Public class project
Public int Id{get;set;}
Public string projectname
Public int userid {get;set;}
Public ICollection<ProjectReq
Public user userfield{get;set;}

Class 3:

Public class ProjectReq
Public int Id {get;set;}
Public int projectid {get;set;}
Public string role {get;set;}

Public project proj {get;set;}
Public ICollection<Projectmembers> 

Class 4:

Public class Projectmembers
Public int Id {get;set;}
Public int reqid {get;set;}
Public int userid {get;set;}

Public project projectReq 
Public user userfield {get;set;}


How can I map project class to the below view model;

 Public class Projectmemberview
 Public string 
 Public string username{get;set;}
 Public string role{get;set;}

I have used linq and got result to project entity model please help me with mapping it to the Projectmemberview model



  1. Assuming you had lists of each object type (Project, User, ProjectReq), you could iterate over the Project list, and for each one create a ProjectMemberView like so:

                List<Project> projects = new List<Project>();
                List<User> users = new List<User>();
                List<ProjectReq> projectReqs = new List<ProjectReq>();
                // ...
                // ...
                List<ProjectMemberView> projectMemberViews = new List<ProjectMemberView>();
                // for each of our projects
                foreach (Project project in projects)
                    // add to our project member view list
                        // a new projectmemberview
                        new ProjectMemberView()
                            // whose project name is the current project's name
                            ProjectName = project.ProjectName,
                            // the username is the user's whose Id is equal to the current project's user id
                            Username = users.Find(x => x.Id == project.UserId).Username,
                            // the role is the projectreq's role whose project Id is shared with the current project
                            Role = projectReqs.Find(x => x.ProjectId == project.Id).Role

    This code is incomplete because of assumptions made, and may need error handling.

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  2. I tried as below:

    public class SomeProfile : Profile
            public SomeProfile()
                CreateMap<Projectmembers, Projectmemberview>().ForMember(x => x.projectname, y => y.MapFrom(s => s.projectReq.projectname)).
                    ForMember(x => x.username, y => y.MapFrom(s => s.userfield.username)).
                     ForMember(x => x.role, y => y.Ignore());

    I couldn’t understand how you want to map the role property (the source of role property is in ProjectReq Class,and in your project class there’s a collection of ProjectReq),So I ignored the property,it may help if you could check your model and explain to me .

    in startup:


    In controller:

        public class SomeController : Controller
                private readonly IMapper _mapper;
                public SomeController( IMapper mapper)
                    _mapper = mapper;
                public IActionResult SomeAction()
                    var user = new user() { Id = 1, username = "somename" };
                    var project = new project() { Id = 1, projectname = "someproj" };
                    var projmembers = new Projectmembers() { projectReq = project, userfield = user };
                    var projectmemberview = _mapper.Map<Projectmemberview>(projmembers);

    The result:
    enter image description here

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