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I am inputing this:

List<double> weightItems = new List<double> {0.23, 0.18, 0.18, 0.27, 0.14};

And when I output it like this:

objStr += "Weights: [" + String.Join(",", weightItems) + "]n";
return objStr;

And I am getting this as an output:
Weights: [0/23,0/18,0/18,0/27,0/14]

Not sure why I am getting this. Thank you for any help



  1. First of all, lets modify this code a bit for it to compile:

       List<double> weightItems = new List<double> { 0.23, 0.18, 0.18, 0.27, 0.14 };
            var objStr = "Weights: [" + String.Join(",", weightItems) + "]n";

    This should return the following:

    Weights: [0.23,0.18,0.18,0.27,0.14]

    if this doesn’t work, it is probably because you have your CultureInfo set wrong.

    To fix this issue, you should include this line before you using String.Join()

     Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB");

    if you want to replecate this issue – include the same line with "fa-Ir" instead

     Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("fa-Ir");

    Which will change your results to the following:

    Weights: [0/23,0/18,0/18,0/27,0/14]

    lidqy posted a relevant link in the comments

    lidqy’s link

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  2. If you’re afraid that the values are corrupted, you can easily display the values with ‘.’ as decimal point by specifiying for example InvariantCulture (or any other culture that uses a ‘.’ decimal separator).

    //1. Specifying culture in explicit string format
    List<double> weightItems = new List<double> { 0.23, 0.18, 0.18, 0.27, 0.14 };
    var str = "Weights: [" + string.Join(",", weightItems.Select(d => d.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))) + "]n";
    //2. Specifying thread culture and using it in implicit string format
    List<double> weightItems = new List<double> { 0.23, 0.18, 0.18, 0.27, 0.14 };
    Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
    var str = "Weights: [" + string.Join(",", weightItems) + "]n";    

    Both outputs: "Weights: [0.23,0.18,0.18,0.27,0.14]"

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