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I’m trying to run a dotnet webapp project in visual studio. When I run pops up a powershell window and it’s saying that my application is running on https://localhost:5000 or localhost:5001. But when I try to access it appears: this localhost page can’t be found. browser screen-shot

powershell screen-shot



  1. I had the same problem like you.

    Probably you have the problems with certificate.

    So try to run this PowerShell script for that ports :

    Start-Transcript -Path "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).log"
    try {
        Write-Host "Creating cert resources"
        $ekuOidCollection = [System.Security.Cryptography.OidCollection]::new();
        $ekuOidCollection.Add([System.Security.Cryptography.Oid]::new("","Server Authentication")) | Out-Null
        $sanBuilder = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.SubjectAlternativeNameBuilder]::new();
        $sanBuilder.AddDnsName("localhost") | Out-Null
    Write-Host "Creating cert extensions"
    $certificateExtensions = @(
        # Subject Alternative Name
        # ASP.NET Core OID
            [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("IIS Express Development Certificate"),
            # KeyUsage
                # Enhanced key usage
            # Basic constraints
    Write-Host "Creating cert parameters"
    $parameters = @{
        Subject = "localhost";
        KeyAlgorithm = "RSA";
        KeyLength = 2048;
        CertStoreLocation = "Cert:LocalMachineMy";
        KeyExportPolicy = "Exportable";
        NotBefore = Get-Date;
        NotAfter = (Get-Date).AddYears(1);
        HashAlgorithm = "SHA256";
        Extension = $certificateExtensions;
        SuppressOid = @("");
        FriendlyName = "IIS Express Development Certificate"
    Write-Host "Creating cert"
    $cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate @parameters
    $rootStore = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store -ArgumentList Root, LocalMachine
    Write-Host "Creating port bindings"
    # Add an Http.Sys binding for port 44300-44399
    $command = 'netsh'
    for ($i=5000; $i -le 5002; $i++) {
        $optionsDelete = @('http', 'delete', 'sslcert', "ipport=$i")
        $optionsAdd = @('http', 'add', 'sslcert', "ipport=$i", "certhash=$($cert.Thumbprint)", 'appid={214124cd-d05b-4309-9af9-9caa44b2b74a}')
        Write-Host "Running $command $optionsDelete"
        & $command $optionsDelete
        Write-Host "Running $command $optionsAdd"
        & $command $optionsAdd
    catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
    finally {

    I hope that will work for you too!

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  2. As Charles Mager commented above

    dotnet dev-certs https –trust

    this answer worked for me.

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