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I am trying to read a text file but then only display the text that is between two line breaks.
So for example if I have this

 <== Line Break ==> (1)
 This is my text
 <== Line Break ==> (2)
 Some Text
 Some Text
 Some Text
 Some Text
 <== Line Break ==> (3)
 <== Line Break ==> (4)
 Some other text not needing to show

So as you can see above I want to display the text between "Line Break" 1 and 4 only
What I have at the moment is this:

 string file = "My Text File.txt";
        string[] str = null;
        if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath(file)))
            str = File.ReadAllLines(Server.MapPath(file));
        foreach (string s in str)
            if (s.Contains("This is my text"))
                btnText.Text = s.Replace(s, "Heading 1");
                btnText.OnClientClick = ReadAdvertisingTest();

            else if (s.Contains("This is my failed text"))
                lblError.Text = lblError.Text + "n" + s.Replace(s, "Heading 2");

 private string ReadAdvertisingTest()
    <== This is where I need to display the text I want to have

The above code works great by finding the text then displaying in a Button but I am not sure how to get the second part to work.

So the output should then be:

This is my text
 <== Line Break ==> (2) 
 Some Text
 Some Text
 Some Text
 Some Text
 <== Line Break ==> (3)

So basically keep Line break 2 and 3 (if possible)

Any suggestions would help




  1.     StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(sfile);
        while (sr.Peek() != -1)
        string strwithoutSplitData = sr.ReadLine().Trim();
          if(strwithoutSplitData.Contains("<Header>") || strwithoutSplitData.Contains("<Footer>"))
        if (strwithoutSplitData.Contains("<Footer>"))
        //do something
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  2. Ok, this is a bit ugly, but it will work:

    string fPath = @"c:Test5mytext.txt";
    string strBuf = File.ReadAllText(fPath);
    TextBox1.Text = strBuf;
    List<string> MyList = strBuf.Split(new[] { System.Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList();
    if (MyList.Count > 2)
       MyList.RemoveRange(3, MyList.Count - 3);
    string strResult = string.Join(System.Environment.NewLine,MyList);
    TextBox2.Text = strResult;

    So I read the text file, put it in a text box, and then 2nd text box shows the results:

    enter image description here

    In fact, this suggests quite much:

    skip first line
    grab all text to next line
    include the next line

    So, in place of that split() function, we could probably just concentate the result of the split and grab the 3 values in place of a "join", but above should suffice anyway.

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