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I am working on a project for user administration in ASP.NET Web App (Framework 4.8) and I thought my gridview would be more effective if I turned some columns that before was TextBoxes to CheckBoxes.

Now that I am going to it gives me: "String was not recognized as a valid Boolean." when I have converted the items. So what am I doing wrong converting these Booleans?


protected void gvTestUsers_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
        if (e.CommandName.Equals("AddNew"))
            int tbl_users_key = 0;

            TextBox myTxt;
            CheckBox myCheck;

            myTxt = ((TextBox)gvTestUsers.FooterRow.FindControl("txtNamefooter"));
            string Name;
            Name = myTxt.Text;

            string CostCenter;
            myTxt = ((TextBox)gvTestUsers.FooterRow.FindControl("txtCostCenterfooter"));
            CostCenter = myTxt.Text;

            string Employee;
            myTxt = ((TextBox)gvTestUsers.FooterRow.FindControl("txtEmployeefooter"));
            Employee = myTxt.Text;

            Boolean FootPlate;
            myCheck = ((CheckBox)gvTestUsers.FooterRow.FindControl("CheckFootPlateFooter"));
            FootPlate = Convert.ToBoolean(myCheck.Text);

            Boolean WirstCord;
            myCheck = ((CheckBox)gvTestUsers.FooterRow.FindControl("CheckWirstCordFooter"));
            WirstCord = Convert.ToBoolean(myCheck.Text);

            Boolean Excluded;
            myCheck = ((CheckBox)gvTestUsers.FooterRow.FindControl("txtExcludedfooter"));
            Excluded = Convert.ToBoolean(myCheck.Text);

            string Comment;
            myTxt = ((TextBox)gvTestUsers.FooterRow.FindControl("txtCommentfooter"));
            Comment = myTxt.Text;

            string sMsg;

            sMsg = "";

            bool btest = fcEditTBL_USERS(tbl_users_key, Name, CostCenter, Employee, FootPlate, WirstCord, Excluded, Comment, ref sMsg, 0);

            if (btest == false)
                lblErrorMessage.Text = sMsg;
                lblSuccessMessage.Text = " ";


            lblSuccessMessage.Text = Name + " Was Added To Record.";
    catch (Exception ex)
        lblSuccessMessage.Text = "";
        lblErrorMessage.Text = ex.Message;



  1. As per your code following code is wrong.

    Boolean Excluded;
                        myCheck = ((CheckBox)gvTestUsers.FooterRow.FindControl("txtExcludedfooter"));
                        Excluded = Convert.ToBoolean(myCheck.Text); 

    As per your id txtExcludedfooter, is this textbox value or the checkbox?

    Need to correct this.

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  2. This:

    Boolean FootPlate;
    myCheck = ((CheckBox)gvTestUsers.FooterRow.FindControl("CheckFootPlateFooter"));
    FootPlate = Convert.ToBoolean(myCheck.Text);

    should be:

    Boolean FootPlate;
    myCheck = ((CheckBox)gvTestUsers.FooterRow.FindControl("CheckFootPlateFooter"));
    FootPlate = myCheck.Checked;

    You don’t need to convert, (.Text is the text associated with the check box, not the true/false value if the box is checked or not)

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