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I am able to restrict user from typing special characters in the textbox but I need help on setting this restriction also when user is pasting special characters. How do I do this in this code of line?:

@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.GroupName, new { @class ="form-control", @required="required", onkeypress="return /[0-9a-zA-Z ]/i.test(event.key);"})



  1. Consider a combination of a validation pattern and triggering validation on input

    <input type="text" value="Test" pattern="[0-9a-zA-Z ]*" oninput="this.reportValidity()" title="Alphanumeric and space only!">

    This doesn’t prevent the user from inserting wrong characters, but it will immediately display a hint when wrong content was inserted.

    Anyway, you always need to re-validate the input server-side, no matter what you do on client side.

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  2. suppose that you have an Input

    <input id="textInput" name="textInput">

    and you have the following script to validate the copy:

       $( "#textInput" ).bind( 'paste',function()
              //get the value of the input text
              var data= $( '#textInput' ).val() ;
              //replace the special characters to '' 
              var dataFull = data.replace(/[^ws]/gi, '');
              //set the new value of the input text without special characters
              $( '#textInput' ).val(dataFull);
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