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When consuming a component in another razor component, there is usually a need to call async methods triggered by an EventCallback property, onClick for instance. Is there any particular way to call it to assure asynchronicity?

Let’s assume the following example:

@* CASE 1*@
<MyButton OnClick=DoSomething>Click Me</MyButton>

@* CASE 2*@
<MyButton OnClick=@(async () => await DoSomething())>Click Me</MyButton>

@code {
    private async Task DoSomething(){ ... }

After compiling, is there any distinction between using a delegate or calling the function directly? Should we prefer one or the other?

This question doesn’t derive from an error or code running improperly but only from the fact that I get no feedback from Visual Studio and probably for a good reason but I would like to know if I’m writing improper code either way.

Choice Remark: Hard to pick a single answer for all provide valid points to the discussion, further reading is encouraged. It seems the confusion stems from a misunderstanding of the delegate’s role in the call stack, in that way I think that Shaun’s answer shows the most succinct and explicit example of that.



  1. Lambda expressions are fully supported and in fact, in some cases they may be required. Consider you are doing a @foreach(item in items) to pass the item to the function you’d likely need to use a lambda expression:

    @(async () => await DoSomething(item))

    Here is Microsoft documentation supporting lambas:

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  2. In this specific case, the first is better.

    This code block is wrapping a Task within a Task. It wasteful on resources: each Task is a state machine object.

    OnClick=@(async () => await DoSomething())>

    However, what actually happens depends on MyButton.

    Here’s a demo version. I’ve added two button event handlers, with comments on how each executes.

    <button @attributes=this.AdditionalAttributes @onclick=this.OnButtonClickAsync></button>
    @code {
        [Parameter] public EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> OnClick { get; set; }
        [Parameter] public RenderFragment? ChildContent { get; set; }
        [Parameter(CaptureUnmatchedValues = true)] public Dictionary<string, object>? AdditionalAttributes { get; set; }
        private async Task OnButtonClickAsync(MouseEventArgs e)
            // you are awaiting the delegate in the parent component
            // if it yields you'll await it's completion
            await this.OnClick.InvokeAsync(e);
            // Code here will only execute after the parent delegate has completed, awaits and all
            // any exceptions will bubble up to here 
        private void OnButtonClick(MouseEventArgs e)
            // This is a Fire and Forget call
            // code here will execute as soon as the parent delegate yields
            // exceptions won't bubble up to here

    More generally, it’s a matter of personal preference.

    I like clean markup, so I code like this.

    <button disabled="@buttonCss"></button>
    @code {
        private bool _isDisabled;
        private string buttonCss => _isDisabled ? "btn btn-danger" : "btn btn-success";

    Others like succinct [inline] code.

    <button disabled="@(_isDisabled ? "btn btn-danger": "btn btn-success")"></button>
    @code {
        private bool _isDisabled;
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  3. The following snippet taken straight out of Microsoft docs:

    In the following example, UpdateHeading:

    • Is called asynchronously when the button is selected.
    • Waits two seconds before updating the heading.


    @page "/event-handler-example-2"
            New title
            <input @bind="newHeading" />
        <button @onclick="UpdateHeading">
            Update heading
    @code {
        private string currentHeading = "Initial heading";
        private string? newHeading;
        private async Task UpdateHeading()
            await Task.Delay(2000);
            currentHeading = $"{newHeading}!!!";

    As you can see lambda is not used (@onclick="UpdateHeading") but still it is mentioned that UpdateHeading will be called asynchronously.

    Also when passing parameters, wrapping in async await is not required. The following will work correctly:

    @page "/event-handler-example-2"
            New title
            <input @bind="newHeading" />
        <button @onclick="() => UpdateHeading(2000)">
            Update heading
    @code {
        private string currentHeading = "Initial heading";
        private string? newHeading;
        private async Task UpdateHeading(int delay)
            await Task.Delay(delay);
            currentHeading = $"{newHeading}!!!";

    A lambda with async/await would be useful if instead of declaring UpdateHeading, you wanted to use anonymous method:

    @page "/event-handler-example-2"
            New title
            <input @bind="newHeading" />
        <button @onclick="@(async () => { await Task.Delay(2000); currentHeading = $"{newHeading}!!!"; })">
            Update heading
    @code {
        private string currentHeading = "Initial heading";
        private string? newHeading;
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