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I used the following regular expression:

[RegularExpression(@"^(Mr. .*|MR. .*|MRS. .*|Mrs. .*|MS. .*|Ms. .*|DR. .*|Dr. .*)", ErrorMessage = "Greeting must begin with Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Dr. and be followed by a name.")]
 public string? Greeting { get; set; }

How can I force user to enter space after Mr., MR., MRs., Mrs., then at least one character after the space.

For example: if they enter Mr. Joe Doe or Mr. Joe is valid but they enter Mr. with space only or Mr. without space is invalid.



  1. Couple of issues

    . matches "any character" so saying Mr. allows someone to write Mra Mrb etc – put a before it or put it in a character class (surround it with [ ])

    * means "zero or more of" so a regex of Mr. .* allows them to write zero characters for the name. To quantify "one or more" we use + instead of *

    If you want to do away with repetitive elements you could

    (M[rRsS]|M(RS|rs)|D[rR]). w+

    The first one takes care of Mr and Ms, second takes care of Mrs, third Dr, then is the common element of "literally a period" followed by a succession of word characters

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  2. Try to replace every * with +

    ^(Mr. .+|MR. .+|MRS. .+|Mrs. .+|MS. .+|Ms. .+|DR. .+|Dr. .+)

    I believe this could help.

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  3. You can try something like this to get started

    ^[Mr.]+[ ]+[A-Za-z]{0,25}[ ]?[A-za-z]{1,25}

    This should match the use cases you gave.

    The backslash escapes the period so it matches a literal period.

    The curly brackets give a range of how many patterns are allowed of the grouping before it.

    The question mark makes the bracket grouping before it optional.

    Also, give this site a shot to try out your regex in real time.

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  4. Use

    ^(?:[DM][rR][sS]?|M[Ss]). .+

    See proof.


      ^                        the beginning of the string
      (?:                      group, but do not capture:
        [DM]                     any character of: 'D', 'M'
        [rR]                     any character of: 'r', 'R'
        [sS]?                    any character of: 's', 'S' (optional
                                 (matching the most amount possible))
       |                        OR
        M                        'M'
        [Ss]                     any character of: 'S', 's'
      )                        end of grouping
      .                       '.'
                               ' '
      .+                       any character except n (1 or more times
                               (matching the most amount possible))
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